The Bartender at the Hotel


Sexy Member
Apr 22, 2024
I couldn't tell if the bartender was gay or straight, but considering the earlier staff and patrons, he friendly either way.
I was with some friends at a small bar in downtown Bisbee Arizona in the heart of the small town. I had been on a business trip where I stayed at the Copper Queen hotel, a creepy old hotel with rumors of ghosts. I was particularly spooked because the elevator had given me some funny business as I made my way to my room. I was staying alone, and I was the only single guy on our trip. Straight. Boring.
I definitely like my ladies, but everyone once in a while I would get an itch for something new and fun. Given my latest breakup, from a girl of almost a year, I was in the "moving on" phase of the breakup.
"Are you needing anything, my man?" The bartender asked. He was tall, maybe 6'3" maybe 6'4". He had dense stubble on his chiseled face, with a thick black and slightly greying broom-looking mustache. He clearly took time to keep his appearance in tip top shape. His hair was neatly gelled to one side, his hands were strong but well manicured. His shirt was unbuttoned about half-way down. This was the best part.
Since the ice machine was right below the bar where I sat, he would bend over revealing a layer of thick black curls dotting his chest and leading to his stomach, and beyond, I assumed. He had a muscular physique and had several large tattoos on his arms and chest adding a bit of color to his tanned hairy body.
To avoid staring too long, I would look toward the bar. There were mirrors under the shelves where the liquor went. Makes the shelves look more full, I think.
Through the array of mirrors, I could see Jon, the bartenders ass, filling out his jeans. He had a real lumberjack look.
A bottle broke as Jon was getting ice; broken glass flew everywhere.
"Fuck!" Jon muttered. He didn't seem to be mad, more frustrated.
"Are you okay?" I asked, eagerly.
Jon chuckled and said "no, I do this all the time" and he walked away. I noticed he was holding his arm but I didn't think much of it until he came back. Jon told me cut his arm when he pulled his hand out from the ice maker after the bottle broke. He said the liquor probably left the cut pretty sterile, so he asked me to help with a bandaid. It was in a pretty hard spot on his right forearm to put on himself. Since we were alone, and he was working I closing up, I obliged. The bar, the hotel, and the town felt completely empty at this point. 2AM struck. Jon and I had just struck up some friendly conversation while he cleaned everything up when he said he needed to change his shirt. It had gotten soaked by the liquor. Jon left and when he returned he was wearing his jeans and a poncho, it was basically just a Mexican style blanket with a head cutout. Think poncho villa. He laughed and explained this was part of his Halloween costume and it was all he had to wear that didn't smell like a liquor bottle exploded on it. I chuckled and checked him out, quite obviously this time. He had a lean body, and when he bent one direction or another a slight bit of meat would spill over his tight belt.
Something to hold onto, I thought to myself.
As I looked at his thick arms work on cleaning up the mess, he caught my eye. He turned and looked straight at me. "See something at the bar you'd like" he said past a wry smirk.
"Yeah, me and every girl you seduce at this bar" I quipped back.
"I don't discriminate" he said as he looked at me now. I was leaning far into the bar when he walked over and we had a good old western style face off.
"You staying here tonight" he asked as he walked away, shifting back to a casual conversation.
"Yeah". I knocked back the last of my whiskey on the rocks.
"Another"? He asked
"Sure, but I thought you had to close up"?
He got two glasses and looked at me. "I'm off the clock now. I'll deal with all this broken glass tomorrow. I just need a drink. So we drank.

"Mind if I ask a question?" I eked out after nearly an hour of whiskey, small talk, and trying to not get aroused by Jon's body, which he brought closer and closer during our conversation. When his knee eventually touched mine. We kept talking. When he grabbed my arm telling me a story, he squeezed, and lowered his hand back onto my thigh, like it were his own. He was comfortable.
And now, so was I.
"You wanna relax upstairs? I've got a suite."
"No way" he said firmly.
His hand was now moving over my thigh and he wrapped his fingers down just below my slowly swelling cock.
"I've got my apartment here, we can get off these antiques" a clear reference to the hard and uncomfortable bar stools in the small space.
"Really? You live here?"
"I Have to live somewhere, let's head over. Head out to the lobby and I'll meet you there."
As I walked out into the dark and quiet lobby, there was a young man attending the lobby desk.
He slowly perked up, unimpressed by my drunk ass stumbling into the lobby with a half-chub and blushing from Jon's advances.
Jon emerged from the bar's frosted glass doors.
The attendant quickly changed his attitude. He was standing straight as a razor, any drop of sleepiness instantly erased.
"Howdy Sir, I didn't realize you were manning the bar this evening" the attendant said in a cheerful tone. He looked about 20 at most, but very physically mature for his age. His arms were toned, his chest was defined and his pants struggled to contain his bulging quads. With his curly ginger hair I would have expected freckles, but his skin was light and perfect. What kind of place is this? I thought to myself.
"Hey Kyle" Jon said as he locked the door. The lobby and bar were connected and neither were very large.
"Anything you needed that I can help you with, Sir?"
I looked at Jon, still wearing his poncho, his profile on display showing his muscular back, toned abs, and muscular arm, covered in hair beautifully sculpted veins, and colorful sailor Jerry style tattoos.
"Sir?" The attendant said, a bit louder.
I turned and he was looking at me.
"What was that? I'm sorry I'm a bit... "
The attendant laughed and I heard Jon chuckle.
"No worries. I just wanted to make sure you had everything you need" he said smiling now, less cold.
From behind me I heard Jon, "I've invited our guest back to check out some cigars. He's here on business and didn't realize Bisbee didn't have a proper cigar shop."
"Ah, well I guess your place is the next best thing. Have a great night. I'll be here until 8, so let me know if you need anything"
"Sure thing, have a good night Kyle" Jon replied as we walked to the back of the lobby towards a long hallway makes "Staff Only".
"Oh by the way Kyle, please let Lydia be careful near the ice machine there may be broken glass near the opening. I'll take care of it later on, but I would like her to grab my shirt in there. It needs to be washed."
"Yes sir."
Jon motioned for me to lead the way down the employee only hallway.
"So what exactly do you do here?" I asked as we strolled past the hotel kitchen, laundry space, offices, and other rooms reserved for staff.
"I inherited the hotel from my grandpa. My dad is a cattle rancher out here but didn't want anything to do with the hotel. Since I'm an only child, of an only child, it meant the hotel went to me. So now I just make sure the hotel doesn't burn down, and I work out on the ranch whenever I'm not here."
Wow. This explained the physique and the bronzed tan.
"That's awesome." I said clearly surprised. We stopped in front of a large opulent door.
"This" Jon emphasized, "was my grandfathers suite. It was his father's before his, and is not my design. I think my contributions to the place are probably very obvious."
He opened the door into a sprawling suite centered around a winding opulent staircase leading to an expansive upstairs space. The place was beautiful. Exotic woods, luxurious rugs, hunting trophies, and art covered the space. If Jon had made any changes, he could have fooled me.
"Cigars." Jon said as he hustled off.
"Should I follow?" I asked as he ran off. A slight echo bouncing around the room.
"I'll be right back. Head upstairs to the balcony."
I walked up the staircase and the upstairs opened up to a massive balcony leading out to a view of the pines which dotted the mountains surrounding Bisbee.
Jon had large roomy sectionals surrounding a modern looking fireplace placed against the balcony railing.
Jon walked up, now wearing a tank top instead of the poncho. It was ripped on both sides nearly down to the waist. The shirt was commemorative for a rodeo championship from 2014.
He had been wearing boots but now he was barefoot, his jeans ending just above his perfectly shaped and manicured feet.
He placed a box down next to the fireplace and jolted back to the door.
"I forgot the remote for the fireplace"
Flames erupted from the center of the table fireplace. The gas flames were in a straight line separating the rest of the table by a shallow glassed in area. Very modern.
"I take it the fireplace was your idea?" I asked as Jon plopped down right next to me. He tucked his right leg under his left one, placing himself right next to me.
"Favorite part of the house"
The flames accentuated the sharp features on Jon's face, but there was a subtle softness to his image. I looked into his eyes as we placed his hand on my thigh again.
"So I'll give you a couple options from these cigars" he said opening the box on his lap.
"I don't need that right now. Maybe we can just..." my voice trailed off as I leaned towards Jon.
"I want you to fuck me, Jon" I said, instantly regretting my decision to let the lure of his beautiful blue eyes to capture the better of me.
"One thing at a time" Jon chuckled and leaned in to kiss my open lips.
His tongue was filling my mouth now; his mustache tickling my nose and lips. I let Jon take control and he was not disappointing me. He released me from his grip and took a deep breath.
"Okay, now I fuck you" he chuckled. My heart was filling my chest beating faster and faster.
I grabbed his belt and he grabbed mine. Slowly we removed each other's clothes. Jon's body revealed itself to be stronger and sexier the more he showed. His penis was erect under the final layer, his underwear. It was at least 8", maybe bigger. I looked down and he smiled.
"It's okay if you can't take it. It's kind of a monster." Jon said.
"How big is it?"
"10-10.5" on a good day"
I shuddered at the veins bulging through Jon's spandex boxer briefs.
"May I?" I motioned towards his gift.
"I'm all in, dude". He smiled and lit a cigar as I peeled off his briefs down his sculpted quads, across his massive calves and over his perfect toes. I went in for a sniff.
Jon wiggled his toes, smelling slightly sweet, slightly musty, and strongly of leather from the boots he had already taken off.
I licked the bottom of his foot. It was smooth yet firm. Muscular but delicate. One by one I placed his toes into my mouth and wrapped my tongue around each one. Jon's cock was now fully erect, pointed towards the sky and casting a long shadow along his sculpted abs. Jon dimmed the fire and blew smoke away from me as I kissed my way up his legs. The sprawling sectional was roomy enough for all the activities I had on mind for the rest of the night.
I wrapped my hand around his pulsing thick penis and squeezed out a stream of pre cum. I put Jon's neatly trimmed ballsack into my mouth and moved them gently until Jon twitched and moaned in pleasure. From the balls, I worked my way up to his shaft placing my mouth over his massive smooth bright head. I slowly lowered deeper past each inch slowly, coating my mouth in Jon's sweet syrupy pre-cum. I flipped my tongue against his shaft as Jon then placed his strong hands below my ears, and wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck. He pushed slightly, encouraging me to take in his whole penis. I gaged as my nose pressed into his thick pubic hair then lifted back up and bobbed a bit only breaking Jon's grasp when needing to catch my breath. After a few minutes Jon's cock slipped out of my mouth and I looked up at him dribbling streaks of spit down my chin.
"Before we go further, I want you to know Im not gay" Jon said.
"Okay, neither am I technically."
"I'm not ashamed or anything, just saying I will only ever think of you as a friend" Jon said gently but firmly.
"Same" I said. He looked at me and pulled me up until I was sitting on his lap. He removed my pants and shirt, the only remaining obstacles between me and his throbbing cock.
We kissed and explored each other's bodies with our hands, tongues, and let our cocks rub against each other.
"Are you feeling good?" Jon asked.
"Yes" I managed to blurt out in between moans. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my tight asshole. It was a familiar pressure, but Jon's penis was significantly larger than any I had taken up to that point.
I began gyrating over his meat and Jon fingered my asshole as his cock pressed just below my entrance.
"I'm gonna go in" he said as his single digit managed to get in at least knuckle deep.
"Lube?" I asked
He held out his hand and placed it under my mouth. I was not sure, no matter how filled with his sweet syrup my spit would be enough to get his thick cock all the way in. I filled his cupped hand with a combination of my saliva and his precum which poured out of my mouth, in much greater amount than I thought possible.
I braced for impact as Jon coated his penis with his hand and went straight for it. He plunged his cock balls deep into my ass before I could cry mercy. He put his hand over my moaning mouth, and whispered, "we're in"
He held my body down; preventing me from lifting off his massive penis.
He licked my left ear and kissed my neck as I settled into having all 10 inches of him plunged into my guts.
I relaxed and wave after wave, pain was replaced with rolling pleasure. My asshole gasping for mercy around his massive cock, tightening and relaxing until it was mostly at ease.
"Good, I'm glad we're past that part Jon chuckled releasing his tight grasp and replacing his hands around my waist. I wore size 34 pants, but in his hands, I felt like his little whore he could throw around on a whim.
I rode on top of his cock letting mine swell harder and closer to orgasm than I could normally control.
Jon was in a fast-paced rhythm of full stokes guiding my waist to control his pleasure when he moaned "I'm coming"
His warning a bit late, as I could feel him spilling his seed into the inner chambers of my shaking ass. I was also coming at this point, his spewing seed pouring over my prostate causing my penis to erupt onto Jon's chest. He scooped up my cum and dripped it into his mouth like Pooh bear scooping honey into his mouth. I was now feeling his cock stiffen again inside of my ass as he leaned in to kiss me. I tasted the sweet sticky mess I made and lost track of Jon's cock which started thrusting in and out of my ass again. We rolled around and fucked outside until the sun started coming up. By the end of our romp we had both been sucked, fucked, been fucked, and everything in between. We laid on the sectional and watched the sun rise when Jon mentioned he needed to catch some sleep for a meeting he had in a couple hours. I asked him where it was. Turns out, Jon was my business meeting in Bisbee.


Legendary Member
Jun 4, 2020
Jacksonville (Florida, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
I couldn't tell if the bartender was gay or straight, but considering the earlier staff and patrons, he friendly either way.
I was with some friends at a small bar in downtown Bisbee Arizona in the heart of the small town. I had been on a business trip where I stayed at the Copper Queen hotel, a creepy old hotel with rumors of ghosts. I was particularly spooked because the elevator had given me some funny business as I made my way to my room. I was staying alone, and I was the only single guy on our trip. Straight. Boring.
I definitely like my ladies, but everyone once in a while I would get an itch for something new and fun. Given my latest breakup, from a girl of almost a year, I was in the "moving on" phase of the breakup.
"Are you needing anything, my man?" The bartender asked. He was tall, maybe 6'3" maybe 6'4". He had dense stubble on his chiseled face, with a thick black and slightly greying broom-looking mustache. He clearly took time to keep his appearance in tip top shape. His hair was neatly gelled to one side, his hands were strong but well manicured. His shirt was unbuttoned about half-way down. This was the best part.
Since the ice machine was right below the bar where I sat, he would bend over revealing a layer of thick black curls dotting his chest and leading to his stomach, and beyond, I assumed. He had a muscular physique and had several large tattoos on his arms and chest adding a bit of color to his tanned hairy body.
To avoid staring too long, I would look toward the bar. There were mirrors under the shelves where the liquor went. Makes the shelves look more full, I think.
Through the array of mirrors, I could see Jon, the bartenders ass, filling out his jeans. He had a real lumberjack look.
A bottle broke as Jon was getting ice; broken glass flew everywhere.
"Fuck!" Jon muttered. He didn't seem to be mad, more frustrated.
"Are you okay?" I asked, eagerly.
Jon chuckled and said "no, I do this all the time" and he walked away. I noticed he was holding his arm but I didn't think much of it until he came back. Jon told me cut his arm when he pulled his hand out from the ice maker after the bottle broke. He said the liquor probably left the cut pretty sterile, so he asked me to help with a bandaid. It was in a pretty hard spot on his right forearm to put on himself. Since we were alone, and he was working I closing up, I obliged. The bar, the hotel, and the town felt completely empty at this point. 2AM struck. Jon and I had just struck up some friendly conversation while he cleaned everything up when he said he needed to change his shirt. It had gotten soaked by the liquor. Jon left and when he returned he was wearing his jeans and a poncho, it was basically just a Mexican style blanket with a head cutout. Think poncho villa. He laughed and explained this was part of his Halloween costume and it was all he had to wear that didn't smell like a liquor bottle exploded on it. I chuckled and checked him out, quite obviously this time. He had a lean body, and when he bent one direction or another a slight bit of meat would spill over his tight belt.
Something to hold onto, I thought to myself.
As I looked at his thick arms work on cleaning up the mess, he caught my eye. He turned and looked straight at me. "See something at the bar you'd like" he said past a wry smirk.
"Yeah, me and every girl you seduce at this bar" I quipped back.
"I don't discriminate" he said as he looked at me now. I was leaning far into the bar when he walked over and we had a good old western style face off.
"You staying here tonight" he asked as he walked away, shifting back to a casual conversation.
"Yeah". I knocked back the last of my whiskey on the rocks.
"Another"? He asked
"Sure, but I thought you had to close up"?
He got two glasses and looked at me. "I'm off the clock now. I'll deal with all this broken glass tomorrow. I just need a drink. So we drank.

"Mind if I ask a question?" I eked out after nearly an hour of whiskey, small talk, and trying to not get aroused by Jon's body, which he brought closer and closer during our conversation. When his knee eventually touched mine. We kept talking. When he grabbed my arm telling me a story, he squeezed, and lowered his hand back onto my thigh, like it were his own. He was comfortable.
And now, so was I.
"You wanna relax upstairs? I've got a suite."
"No way" he said firmly.
His hand was now moving over my thigh and he wrapped his fingers down just below my slowly swelling cock.
"I've got my apartment here, we can get off these antiques" a clear reference to the hard and uncomfortable bar stools in the small space.
"Really? You live here?"
"I Have to live somewhere, let's head over. Head out to the lobby and I'll meet you there."
As I walked out into the dark and quiet lobby, there was a young man attending the lobby desk.
He slowly perked up, unimpressed by my drunk ass stumbling into the lobby with a half-chub and blushing from Jon's advances.
Jon emerged from the bar's frosted glass doors.
The attendant quickly changed his attitude. He was standing straight as a razor, any drop of sleepiness instantly erased.
"Howdy Sir, I didn't realize you were manning the bar this evening" the attendant said in a cheerful tone. He looked about 20 at most, but very physically mature for his age. His arms were toned, his chest was defined and his pants struggled to contain his bulging quads. With his curly ginger hair I would have expected freckles, but his skin was light and perfect. What kind of place is this? I thought to myself.
"Hey Kyle" Jon said as he locked the door. The lobby and bar were connected and neither were very large.
"Anything you needed that I can help you with, Sir?"
I looked at Jon, still wearing his poncho, his profile on display showing his muscular back, toned abs, and muscular arm, covered in hair beautifully sculpted veins, and colorful sailor Jerry style tattoos.
"Sir?" The attendant said, a bit louder.
I turned and he was looking at me.
"What was that? I'm sorry I'm a bit... "
The attendant laughed and I heard Jon chuckle.
"No worries. I just wanted to make sure you had everything you need" he said smiling now, less cold.
From behind me I heard Jon, "I've invited our guest back to check out some cigars. He's here on business and didn't realize Bisbee didn't have a proper cigar shop."
"Ah, well I guess your place is the next best thing. Have a great night. I'll be here until 8, so let me know if you need anything"
"Sure thing, have a good night Kyle" Jon replied as we walked to the back of the lobby towards a long hallway makes "Staff Only".
"Oh by the way Kyle, please let Lydia be careful near the ice machine there may be broken glass near the opening. I'll take care of it later on, but I would like her to grab my shirt in there. It needs to be washed."
"Yes sir."
Jon motioned for me to lead the way down the employee only hallway.
"So what exactly do you do here?" I asked as we strolled past the hotel kitchen, laundry space, offices, and other rooms reserved for staff.
"I inherited the hotel from my grandpa. My dad is a cattle rancher out here but didn't want anything to do with the hotel. Since I'm an only child, of an only child, it meant the hotel went to me. So now I just make sure the hotel doesn't burn down, and I work out on the ranch whenever I'm not here."
Wow. This explained the physique and the bronzed tan.
"That's awesome." I said clearly surprised. We stopped in front of a large opulent door.
"This" Jon emphasized, "was my grandfathers suite. It was his father's before his, and is not my design. I think my contributions to the place are probably very obvious."
He opened the door into a sprawling suite centered around a winding opulent staircase leading to an expansive upstairs space. The place was beautiful. Exotic woods, luxurious rugs, hunting trophies, and art covered the space. If Jon had made any changes, he could have fooled me.
"Cigars." Jon said as he hustled off.
"Should I follow?" I asked as he ran off. A slight echo bouncing around the room.
"I'll be right back. Head upstairs to the balcony."
I walked up the staircase and the upstairs opened up to a massive balcony leading out to a view of the pines which dotted the mountains surrounding Bisbee.
Jon had large roomy sectionals surrounding a modern looking fireplace placed against the balcony railing.
Jon walked up, now wearing a tank top instead of the poncho. It was ripped on both sides nearly down to the waist. The shirt was commemorative for a rodeo championship from 2014.
He had been wearing boots but now he was barefoot, his jeans ending just above his perfectly shaped and manicured feet.
He placed a box down next to the fireplace and jolted back to the door.
"I forgot the remote for the fireplace"
Flames erupted from the center of the table fireplace. The gas flames were in a straight line separating the rest of the table by a shallow glassed in area. Very modern.
"I take it the fireplace was your idea?" I asked as Jon plopped down right next to me. He tucked his right leg under his left one, placing himself right next to me.
"Favorite part of the house"
The flames accentuated the sharp features on Jon's face, but there was a subtle softness to his image. I looked into his eyes as we placed his hand on my thigh again.
"So I'll give you a couple options from these cigars" he said opening the box on his lap.
"I don't need that right now. Maybe we can just..." my voice trailed off as I leaned towards Jon.
"I want you to fuck me, Jon" I said, instantly regretting my decision to let the lure of his beautiful blue eyes to capture the better of me.
"One thing at a time" Jon chuckled and leaned in to kiss my open lips.
His tongue was filling my mouth now; his mustache tickling my nose and lips. I let Jon take control and he was not disappointing me. He released me from his grip and took a deep breath.
"Okay, now I fuck you" he chuckled. My heart was filling my chest beating faster and faster.
I grabbed his belt and he grabbed mine. Slowly we removed each other's clothes. Jon's body revealed itself to be stronger and sexier the more he showed. His penis was erect under the final layer, his underwear. It was at least 8", maybe bigger. I looked down and he smiled.
"It's okay if you can't take it. It's kind of a monster." Jon said.
"How big is it?"
"10-10.5" on a good day"
I shuddered at the veins bulging through Jon's spandex boxer briefs.
"May I?" I motioned towards his gift.
"I'm all in, dude". He smiled and lit a cigar as I peeled off his briefs down his sculpted quads, across his massive calves and over his perfect toes. I went in for a sniff.
Jon wiggled his toes, smelling slightly sweet, slightly musty, and strongly of leather from the boots he had already taken off.
I licked the bottom of his foot. It was smooth yet firm. Muscular but delicate. One by one I placed his toes into my mouth and wrapped my tongue around each one. Jon's cock was now fully erect, pointed towards the sky and casting a long shadow along his sculpted abs. Jon dimmed the fire and blew smoke away from me as I kissed my way up his legs. The sprawling sectional was roomy enough for all the activities I had on mind for the rest of the night.
I wrapped my hand around his pulsing thick penis and squeezed out a stream of pre cum. I put Jon's neatly trimmed ballsack into my mouth and moved them gently until Jon twitched and moaned in pleasure. From the balls, I worked my way up to his shaft placing my mouth over his massive smooth bright head. I slowly lowered deeper past each inch slowly, coating my mouth in Jon's sweet syrupy pre-cum. I flipped my tongue against his shaft as Jon then placed his strong hands below my ears, and wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck. He pushed slightly, encouraging me to take in his whole penis. I gaged as my nose pressed into his thick pubic hair then lifted back up and bobbed a bit only breaking Jon's grasp when needing to catch my breath. After a few minutes Jon's cock slipped out of my mouth and I looked up at him dribbling streaks of spit down my chin.
"Before we go further, I want you to know Im not gay" Jon said.
"Okay, neither am I technically."
"I'm not ashamed or anything, just saying I will only ever think of you as a friend" Jon said gently but firmly.
"Same" I said. He looked at me and pulled me up until I was sitting on his lap. He removed my pants and shirt, the only remaining obstacles between me and his throbbing cock.
We kissed and explored each other's bodies with our hands, tongues, and let our cocks rub against each other.
"Are you feeling good?" Jon asked.
"Yes" I managed to blurt out in between moans. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my tight asshole. It was a familiar pressure, but Jon's penis was significantly larger than any I had taken up to that point.
I began gyrating over his meat and Jon fingered my asshole as his cock pressed just below my entrance.
"I'm gonna go in" he said as his single digit managed to get in at least knuckle deep.
"Lube?" I asked
He held out his hand and placed it under my mouth. I was not sure, no matter how filled with his sweet syrup my spit would be enough to get his thick cock all the way in. I filled his cupped hand with a combination of my saliva and his precum which poured out of my mouth, in much greater amount than I thought possible.
I braced for impact as Jon coated his penis with his hand and went straight for it. He plunged his cock balls deep into my ass before I could cry mercy. He put his hand over my moaning mouth, and whispered, "we're in"
He held my body down; preventing me from lifting off his massive penis.
He licked my left ear and kissed my neck as I settled into having all 10 inches of him plunged into my guts.
I relaxed and wave after wave, pain was replaced with rolling pleasure. My asshole gasping for mercy around his massive cock, tightening and relaxing until it was mostly at ease.
"Good, I'm glad we're past that part Jon chuckled releasing his tight grasp and replacing his hands around my waist. I wore size 34 pants, but in his hands, I felt like his little whore he could throw around on a whim.
I rode on top of his cock letting mine swell harder and closer to orgasm than I could normally control.
Jon was in a fast-paced rhythm of full stokes guiding my waist to control his pleasure when he moaned "I'm coming"
His warning a bit late, as I could feel him spilling his seed into the inner chambers of my shaking ass. I was also coming at this point, his spewing seed pouring over my prostate causing my penis to erupt onto Jon's chest. He scooped up my cum and dripped it into his mouth like Pooh bear scooping honey into his mouth. I was now feeling his cock stiffen again inside of my ass as he leaned in to kiss me. I tasted the sweet sticky mess I made and lost track of Jon's cock which started thrusting in and out of my ass again. We rolled around and fucked outside until the sun started coming up. By the end of our romp we had both been sucked, fucked, been fucked, and everything in between. We laid on the sectional and watched the sun rise when Jon mentioned he needed to catch some sleep for a meeting he had in a couple hours. I asked him where it was. Turns out, Jon was my business meeting in Bisbee.
i don't usually read these this was really great thanks i wonder if this little cliphelps finish some of us off it worked for me damn does anybody know these gorgeous guys are i would love to see the whole thing btw can't wait for part 2 thanks for everything guys!!!


Expert Member
Platinum Gold
Jul 25, 2012
90% Straight, 10% Gay
i don't usually read these this was really great thanks i wonder if this little cliphelps finish some of us off it worked for me damn does anybody know these gorgeous guys are i would love to see the whole thing btw can't wait for part 2 thanks for everything guys!!!
View attachment 130344921
Who are those two Corbin Fisher guys? I think the top is Kellan, and the other??


Cherished Member
Oct 23, 2009
how many straight guys were hard and stroking to that story, I know I was and so was my other straight friend, he has a 9.5 cock with a nice patch of pubes and big hairy balls, love cupping them while sucking his cock, if you were straight and stroking slide into my dms let's talk and stroke, hope to stroke with you soon