A bit of a lull...

Since the consultation at NIH suggested gathering more information before making treatment recommendations for my newly diagnosed prostate cancer, things have calmed down a little.

We celebrated my wife's birthday over the weekend. Went to a place where she enjoys the food and the surroundings and had a very pleasant dinner. I did some serious hunting before finding a necklace pendant that was involved two differently textured rings that were twisted together. Looks like two different strands of rope. The strands are "married," in traditional sailor's lingo. To me the piece symbolized our marriage and how we're bound to each other "for better or worse," as the vows go. This is taking on a deeper significance now as we consider how my cancer treatment will affect our joint lives. So far we are remaining quite optimistic, though, nevertheless, taking some steps to ensure that minimal financial complications follow either of our deaths. I also baked one of my wife's favorite deserts, a seriously delicious cherry chocolate cake made from a family recipe, and iced with chocolate fudge. Enough to give you lockjaw. Great stuff! She loved it.

Back on the medical front, I made arrangements with the laboratory to send ME the slides. Then I can do with them what I will. If extra cuts are needed I'll have them made, but I'll be able to get the slides into the hands of whomever I wish this way. The only other thing I have to do is to take the prescribed antibiotics and wait for the MRI that is planned for late November. The next multi-disciplinary conference at NIH is scheduled for 1 December. That's when I'll hear the considered treatment recommendations. I expect there will be some time to consider alternatives, and then things will start early in the new year. Hopefully I'll be done with and recovered from the intensive part by April. Somehow April seems a long way off! After that, maybe, a big trip.

In the meantime we'll be taking advantage of this lull to travel just a little. First vacation in 18 months. Heading out to California (San Francisco area) for a week, meet up with some friends, and enjoy the change of scenery. And get away from the craziness that goes on where I work. Looking forward to it.

Only other goal is to approach the long overdue goal of life simplification so that there's less to manage and more time to enjoy stuff. Although we're not feeling particularly time pressured right now, it seems that a reexamination of priorities is in order. I'll let you know! Thanks for checking in.


You certainly have your priorities in order. I think one of the things I like best about you is the the way you talk about your wife. You seem to have a true partnership, friendship and romance. You are both in it for the long haul - no matter what happens. I think the necklace you selected is a wonderful symbol of your union!

Plus you baked her a cake! Be still my beating heart! :)
Very nice celebration of your wife's birthday. And baking too. It's one thing to barbecue steaks on the grill, but baking? She is a lucky girl.

I can sure identify with your plan to simplify. It is amazing how overburdened we can get with "stuff" and it feels good to clean house -- physically and mentally and emotionally.

You are a thoughtful, sensitive guy made even more so by your current circumstances. You are handling life as it comes at you and making the most of it all. I salute you.
I was blown away by the emotion you put into your wifes birthday from the meaningful shopping for the right gift to the baking of the chocolate cake. Nothing is sexier then a man baking a birthday cake for his wife. Beyond thoughtful.
You were definitely a man on a mission. It was beautiful to share this with all of us. Good for both of you for taking a vacation. All our best wishes that California will have perfect weather while you visit. Thank you for taking us all on your journey.
I echo Sweet's comments about the way you celebrated your wife's birthday. She must have been thrilled!

On a more pedestrian topic, I wonder if you learned why the actual slides need to be shared, instead of high-resolution images of the slides? Lacking biomedical expertise, I was guessing that once slides were prepared, their pictures would be taken and everyone would use the images.
I bake cakes once every decade or so. So it's always a bit of a crap shoot how it will go. But this one worked out fine, and my wife did enjoy it. She says she wants to keep me around.

As for the slides -- they arrived by FedEx today, and now they're under my control. The lab wants them back, but there's no longer a problem getting them to NIH. The issue of high resolution photos not being sufficient may have something to do with the way the cancers are graded. Part of the report is the percentage of each sample that has a particular appearance under the microscope. To "demonstrate" that that percentage was correct you'd need to photograph all of the sample. Might be a large number of shots. Anyway, I have to admit that I had the same thought. But with the slides in hand, I can get them to people who need them. That's a relief.

Thanks again for all the supportive comments. Tomorrow is the last day at home for a while, then a flight west and a few days away from the local chaos. Should be nice. I'll let you know.
Firstly, enjoy the vacation.

Secondly, I echo everyone's comments re the trouble you took to find the perfect gift and bake a cake. Both you and your wife are lucky to have each other and to be so much in love. Long may it continue that way!

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