A Christmas Undone

As I have related previously, my much anticipated Christmas plans were to visit my grandmothers 2 aunts in Sante Fe, New Mexico - spectacular ladies in their 90s.

After correspondance with the one aunt about lodging, she agreed to let me have the guest house for my stay. As per my request to go skiing for a day, she happily told me which slopes were the best and was happy I could have a day of skiing.

The whole point of this excursion was to meet these fabeled elderly aunts and spend some time with them. In past when I had the money to visit them I had no time and when I had the time I had no money and it seemed that this Christmas the stars had all met up to meet them.

Then yesterday upon my return from work I had a letter from my grandmother whose aunt it is that invited me to visit her at Christmas to inform me of several things:

Firstly that she is going to be there for Christmas; that Christmas Eve. will be spent in such and so way, that as it turns out now all of a sudden that at least a dozen cousins have decided to be there for Christmas and that having been said, they all have higher rank and as such my previously granted request to reserve lodging in the guest house has been revoked.
My grandmother told me I was to stay at a nearby hotel. She went on to tell me that since so many family members would be in attendance that I was not permitted to go skiing since that would be a very rude, disregarding thing to do. I am expected to adhere to a strict family social schedule.

Bear in mind that my maternal grandmother is someone I absolutely detest. She behaves as though she is an imperial empress and everyone does as she says. And mostly evryone does. But I am not everyone.

My grandmother had no interest in New Mexico at Christmas whatsoever until I had made my holiday plans with her aunt. Then all of a sudden she places herself as some sort of gate keeper and social director of my vacation.

Well I am having none of that. I am very upset that my nice, happy, quiet Chistmas plans with elderly aunts has been ruined my meddlesome grandmother.

At least knowing now that she is going to be there is a positive thing. Positive in the manner that I can save myself from having to see her.

When I told my room mate how upset I was about this turn of events it made no sense to him. Happily for him that it made no sense. He was one of those rare types to be blessed with family that he not only liked but loved.

I have a great animosity toward my parents and all of their parents because of how disregardingly selfish they all are (its like a genetic quality they possess). I was very hopeful to meet the most elderly members of the family since they seem to be not like the rest. But as the saying goes: "the apple does not fall far from the tree" perhaps I would have been disappointed from meeting them. I doubt that, but it would have been my call to make.

At any rate I have a Christmas undone and am not sure what to do instead.


As I have related previously, my much anticipated Christmas plans were to visit my grandmothers 2 aunts in Sante Fe, New Mexico - spectacular ladies in their 90s.

After correspondance with the one aunt about lodging, she agreed to let me have the guest house for my stay. As per my request to go skiing for a day, she happily told me which slopes were the best and was happy I could have a day of skiing.

The whole point of this excursion was to meet these fabeled elderly aunts and spend some time with them. In past when I had the money to visit them I had no time and when I had the time I had no money and it seemed that this Christmas the stars had all met up to meet them.

Then yesterday upon my return from work I had a letter from my grandmother whose aunt it is that invited me to visit her at Christmas to inform me of several things:

Firstly that she is going to be there for Christmas; that Christmas Eve. will be spent in such and so way, that as it turns out now all of a sudden that at least a dozen cousins have decided to be there for Christmas and that having been said, they all have higher rank and as such my previously granted request to reserve lodging in the guest house has been revoked.

My grandmother told me I was to stay at a nearby hotel. She went on to tell me that since so many family members would be in attendance that I was not permitted to go skiing since that would be a very rude, disregarding thing to do. I am expected to adhere to a strict family social schedule.
I am very upset that my nice, happy, quiet Chistmas plans with elderly aunts has been ruined my meddlesome grandmother.

When I told my room mate how upset I was about this turn of events it made no sense to him. Happily for him that it made no sense. He was one of those rare types to be blessed with family that he not only liked but loved.

I have a great animosity toward my parents and all of their parents because of how disregardingly selfish they all are (its like a genetic quality they possess).

At any rate I have a Christmas undone and am not sure what to do instead.

Well, it seems that you have a right to back out of the whole Christmas visit. You asked the aunts if you could stay at the guest house. They said you could stay. And you could go skiing.

Now your grandmother is going to finesse herself (and it seems that the aunts OK'd it) into the whole thing...having you stay in a hotel and telling you that you don't have a right to go skiing?!!!

You should write your aunts and tell them about the changes and the agreements about the guest house.
Explain that you were kinda looking forward to spending some time with them and them alone not with more family.

You can do a number of things...you can go as planned and stay at the hotel...but you go skiing and you visit the aunts briefly. I mean VERY briefly.

Or you can make and finalize some different plans for Christmas--go elsewhere for the holidays. (After all, the aunts and grandmother changed your sleeping arrangements and itinerary. Why can't you?) And maybe visit your aunts at a time when your grandmother isn't in the know.
Your great-great-aunts are still alive? Wowsers.

You're getting the shit end of the stick. Sounds like it would be best if you could visit sometime before Xmas, since that's when someone else changed your plans. Or you could visit but call up all your cousins and and ask them if they ski and if they'd like to go on a mass excursion to the slopes for a day <heh> That'd be evil. :wink:

Do your aunts even know your grandmother changed your plans for a place to stay, seemingly without their knowledge?
Thanks for the suggestions guys. No. The aunts are unaware that my grandmother has taken control of the holiday. I will write a letter and simply explain that I am not able to get enough time off of work to make the trip worthwhile but that I will come another time that works out better - meaning when my grandmother isn't there.
God, I can't stand that woman.

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