Accidental Crotch Grab

So I grew up in the Midwest for many years which is prone to snowstorms. I remember an instance when I was about 23 and we had received about a foot of snow. This particular day I wanted to shoot pool with my buddy from high school, Paul. Paul is a straight, single(at the time) stocky type of guy. He played either offensive or defensive line when we were in H.S. He was about 6’1 and I would estimate about 225 relatively solid pounds.

He still lived at home with his parents so I went to pick him up there. When I got there he was out front in a snowsuit shoveling away. He said he had to clear the snow before we could go hang out. He was just about done when I arrived, so I just stood out and talked to him as he finished.

About 10 minutes later he was done and we went out back to the garage so he could put the shovel and salt away. When we got back there we discovered the wind had blown his garage door shut. Not wanting to take off his gloves, or put down the shovel and salt, he asked if I would reach in his pocket and grab the keys.

This particular snowsuit(unbeknown to me at the time) had front pockets on either side and it also had slits just behind those pockets that let your hands inside the suit. This in case you need access to the pockets of the pants you are wearing underneath the snowsuit.

So i plunged my right hand into the slit on his right side, thinking it was the snowsuit pocket, and got a HANDFUL of not-his-keys. Not only that, apparently he didn’t have on pants underneath, only a pair of boxers. I believe they were boxers because while my thumb and other fingers felt fabric, my index fingers definitely hit hair as I figured it must have slipped inside the fly of his boxer.

It was only there for the briefest of seconds before Paul lurched back and said, sort of with a chuckle, “Dude, wtf?!”. It was totally harmless and we both laughed like hell. Later when we shot pool I bought the beers. I figured he’d earned it, lol.

I didn’t get to actually see it, but I know this: Paul’s soft dick and balls easily filled my right hand up and with it being cold out I truly got an appreciation for how massive his warm bulge was. Sometimes even to this day when I see a guy in a snowsuit it gives me a little tingle.


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