Allan S.

Allan, I will be 88 Sunday , October 4 , 2020. I have nothing more to prove, no more surprises for you or my other friends on this site. You particularly have helped me gain acceptance on this site and earn a reputation for honesty and believability. I want to thank you for that. There were times when you made my day, standing firmly beside me, keeping naysayers at bay. I have been a member of this awesome site LPSG for 14 years, and since you joined in 2008, my sailing on here has been smoother. Thank you for that. When I am no longer around , I want you to control my LPSG pictures and for you alone to determine how they are to be used. Thanks for your unconditional support.

basque9 aka Dale aka your friend


Age is a number, its not the outward wear and tear you should know about but the inner man and his qualities. To often we judge a book by its covers ignoring the fact that inside, should you bother to look, is a treasure trove.
With the passing of the years there is an accumulation of knowledge and advice. While we now live in a society where youth is the goal, eternal youth the aim with youth comes an ignorance and failure of understanding that only comes with the passing of the years.
To have reached your great age is in itself an achievement to be congratulated, lets hope we celebrate more passing years from you.
@basque9 wow congratulations on such a milestone birthday! You are a remarkable man that has accepted me from the very beginning. You are truly an exceptional man and a good friend. I wish you a beautiful day. Enjoy it and have lots of fun. You deserve nothing but the best!
Dear, dear Dale... Thank you for your kind words, and the confidence you have placed in me. I realized from the beginning that you were and individual whose sexuality blew my mind, and whose kindness and ability to share an extraordinary life spoke to me personally. Of course, when the time comes, I'll happily be your librarian - and biographer. Yours is the legacy of a truly unique sexuality and the truly unique humanity that it supported. I've got your birthday on my mind - but, for the moment I'm just going to agree with chrisrobin, "age is a number..." Your devoted friend, Allan
Joyeux anniversaire Dale, je le dis en français pour apporter un peu d'originalité à tous ces témoignages d'amitié qui figurent ici. Depuis que je suis assidu sur ce site, j'ai moi aussi de nombreux souvenirs avec toi et ta généreuse personnalité m'accompagne toujours et je l'espère pour longtemps. Je n'ai qu'un regret, c'est d'être né trop tard pour avoir pu te croiser sur les Champs Elysées ou dans l'un des coins de la rue de Seine, voire au cirque d'hiver en compagnie d'un autre de ces américains fantastiques au sourire éblouissant...

Hi good mate @dom1000. Well , being 88 is a mixed bag for me. That is because nature has diminished my physical body such that walking is difficult but otherwise I am physically robust. This means that I am still strong sexually such that I feel very little changed from my early years. Unlike many guys my age, my wish is for better mobility rather than for a stronger libido.:D
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Hey Dale! I've been away from the site for quite a while, just taking a peek here and there sometimes, and I'm happy I took one of those peeks just today, which is your Birthday. BEST WISHES Dale!! And let me say you're wrong when you say you've got no more surprises for your friends on this site... I bet you always will, and every sincere and honest new post of yours like this is. <3
Happy Birthday !!! :)
I wish I could bring you a big swedish "Prinsesstårta" (a princess cake) for your birthday !
I hope you have a great day ! :kissing_heart::heart_eyes::heart:
Is so good to have you back on site, good Italian bud @Kahuna. I very much appreciate your very kind words for me. Thanks also for your Birthday greetings.:cool:
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