
I am now living alone, although still in a dorm room, I am alone!

Meaning I can jerk off whenever I want! Obviously I'd rather be having sex, but I sadly don't have a partner or even FWB here on campus. I'm not a party animal or drinker, so not really hooking up with any college girls :(

I wanted to ask what lube is good for jerking off. I've use vaseline before and liked it. Obvously sex lube, but I feel like thats more expensive.

I might even upload some pics or vids, since I know plenty of people here like that kind of stuff, and I do like to show off!
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I use coconut oil that you can buy in the grocery store. Its rather cheap and easy to clean up from . I have found that it doesn't leave any stains or smells.
You absolutely want to jerk with lube - friction will dry out and desensitise your penis over time. I hardly ever do it - if I need to cum I fuck a cheap $16 fleshligh ripoff. Does the trick and doesn't involve too much fiction at all.

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