Blog entries by privileged_gf

1 min read
so... im pretty rambunctious, and high strung.... what better therapy than a throwdown... an all or nothing wrestle match.... thats what me && jeremy do all the time.. we mock fight... it made me smile today, so i decided to blog about it... my favorite instance, would definately be the one...
so like, this is totally blowing my mind.... i was reading the newspaper when it dawned on me: im pretty psyched.... this makes me smile. But according to one poll i recently read, obama has 60ish % of people thinking he'd be an 'above average' president and 20% saying hed be an...
7 min read
skim if you want, i just want it on here, so i can come back to it.. yey for bookmarking... Carnival of Carnage: Welcome to the show, the traveling ghetto. No longer will the ghetto just be that slum that you keep your kids away from, that slum that you drive through pointing and gawking at...
Okay so it goes like this: I date Jeremy. Amber dates DJ, but me && baby date Amber && DJ...... still with me? haha... well last night was the shizznit && all that with a bag of chips, twinkie, and diet coke. we all went out to the movies and watched yesman.... that shit was off the...
yes, the title is a third person reference. this was waiting for me, in my inbox.... for those who dont know, last night, i was following a dark train of thought... sue me if i have dark, twisted, often unatural fantasies... i wanted to reach out to find all the other kinks on this site...
... did you walk the sinners, or pray with with the reverand? tell the truth i did a little of both, but ain't no telling where i'm goin till my body's a ghost the whole world is gonna hate me in the end when they're surrounded by nothing but the fire you can lie but your soakin' in sin when you...
after defending my boyfriends territory for him a little to harshly in response to a 'too friendly' private message; my boyfriend so just chose video games over me.... i feel confused. =[ i dont even have music on... && i always have music on. i wish more people were back from away on AIM.....
ive slipped into this creepy duran duran mood, for now reason... unioun of the snake is so sultry.. fuck music almost.. but thats only if you are lost in a random cheesy 80's fantasy.... back by popular demand, or at least this ones for you sirius black, another blog... this color makes me...
haha, good ol' axe murder boyz <333 well things are going pretty smoothly for a sunday afternoon here.... its pretty pathetic im still with my rents, but this was the only place i could think of i'd be safe enough to unwarp my head from my crazy summer on the streets. my family is green...
something watches my every move If they see what i see they know exactly what i do" Yeah, being the juggalette i am, their will be many a psychopathic records qoutes in my blog... that was boondox<33 Last night was pretty awesome.... spend it with Jeremy [def, the better half] chillin with...
1 min read
and no, i refuse to go back to my angsty livejournal style either.... ive grown alot in the past two years. im pretty proud of my progress... im also spacy as fuck which is why i never can really keep on top of the blogging scene..... but hey, i guess i could make it my own personal style...