been a long time

Recently I've found myself in the predicament of being alone for more then a month, not sexually though, but that's not the important part. My whole teen and adult life I've always found the need of a partner, just someone to be with, I love being in a relationship and I've been in one for the last 3 years. But alas all things come to an end I suppose, can't say I blame her, what am I suppose to say "no don't take the job that will start your career, stay with me and work part time jobs for just enough to pay rent" who knows maybe I shoulda said that or maybe I shoulda proposed when I had the chance, and Unfortunately I've tried long distance and it never works. So now I'm on my 1St month single in 3 years trying to find some way to meet someone while juggling work and school and money, doesn't help all my friends are away at school so no one to set me up our go party with and none of my Co workers are single(or my type) and I'm to nervous/scared to do the internet scene do to the thought of being catfished. But I guess its not all bad, facial hairs back, finally socializing more then just world of warcraft and Facebook, and my blogs are bring updated more frequently. So to those reading about me complaining, I hope you can relate/sympathize or hell even get a few laughs


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