Been Awhile

It has been a long time since I was on here. There were a couple reasons actually. I think the first was that I was really hurt and insulted by a member who doesn't really know me and then accused me of something that if I did, I did not realize it until I was told. My mind reading skills are lacking and so I had no idea that I had upset this guy. When I tried to explain, he just shut me down.

I had a lot of trouble with my concussion. It was well into November before I actually felt ok. It was weird that one day I just woke up and I knew it was gone. Craziest thing ever but the therapy really helped. So I was in PT a couple times a week which also ate into my available time.

I don't know about you, but as the election drew near, I was really having anxiety issues in fact just typing about it now I can feel the anxiety building. I was not sure what I was going to do if things did not change. With Covid I was scared of going out (except the drugstore and grocery store) and instead of reaching out I just went into hiding. I am happy to say that I have been able to cut back my anxiety medicine quite a bit since the election. I also feel safer in my country again than I had.

Somewhere around the beginning of December, I considered what it would be like to live in a smaller house with one floor living. I found a place that looked interesting on Zillow and decided I would go see it. I met my real estate agent there. The house was AWFUL. She started to send me other homes and I began to look a bit. In the middle of the second week I came across this house that was stunning and dare I say nearly perfect. That was a Weds. Friday night I put a bid in and Saturday night I owned the house. I began moving Dec. 18th. I continued to move until January One. It has only been a few weeks that I have finally felt settled and not like I was house sitting for someone. I will say that I have always wanted to live near water and I have a really nice creek/stream several hundred feet from my property line. At night you can hear the rushing of the water!

Finally, as those of you who have read my blog know, I am very active in the color guard world. I decided since I had never in my life performed with a color guard as a member, I was knocking that off the bucket list. We are a small, but competitive group in what is called World Class. We are by no means truly world class, more like Open class, but the members ages put us into World Class. I had no idea what it was like. It has been a truly wonderful learning experience for me. It generally takes me several days to recover from one five hour rehearsal. People my age should probably not be doing this, but I am and I am going to finish the season. If my body holds out I will probably do it next season too.

So now you know where I have been and what I have been up to. Needless to say there are calluses on my left hand from all the jerking off I have had to do since Covid. I am guessing there are many of you out there in the same boat as I am. Hopefully before too long now, we will be able to resume at least some of our extracurricular activities!

Cheers to all of you and if you made it this far - my sincere thanks!!


Wonderful, Robert. You had been on my mind and I was worried about you.

First off, do not engage with such members that you mention at the start of this posting. If he/she is not in your Ignore list then place them in there and simply move forward. I have about 20 in my list and don't consider that to be too bad after being on here for 11 years. Engaging with these sorts of "members" is futile and will only make you feel like crap. Waste of time.

Congrats on all the rest, Robert! You need to know that you're not alone. COVID had contributed a great deal to behavioral health issues, but sometimes it's not just that. I retired in at the end of July of '17 and I hardly ever leave my house except for grocery or doctor's appts. Oftentimes when I do I get into confrontations with others, had anxiety, and become so stressed that I need to sleep when I get home. I take Klonopin, but that only helps marginally. So when I read all that you've accomplished in such a short time I am more than impressed as I could never engage in such an undertaking. I'd be overwhelmed.

Thank you very much for updating us, Robert as we were worried. With that being said, everyone has the right to take a break from here no matter the reason. I was off myself for the majority of December as I needed some time.

Anyway, I am proud of you. Big HUG, Robert and of course, Congrats. I hope you're feeling cozy in the new house! :heart:

I love hearing about your participation in the color guard! That sounds awesome. Wonderful that you are going for it in so many areas of your life. I am pretty tired of operating in survival mode myself since COVID has forced so much change in my personal life economically and socially. OS I hear that and echo what Brett said. We are not alone.

I am glad you are doing much better now. Glad you are taking some action and participating in the Color Guard.

COVID has taken a toll on all of us and we take it one day at a time. That is all we can do.
So glad you are back to health and on here again. You know if someone does like what you said or differs then fuck them. I got a super nasty message from some asshole in the UK who was a new member and I liked a pic of his. Man did he bitch to me that he didn’t want men looking at his pictures only women etc...and queers had not place looking at him. I though fuck him and filed a complaint and got on with it. The management of this site acknowledged my concern but I see the fucker is still on and posting. So don’t let creeps get you down. There are more here that like you and respect you.
Best of luck in the new house, a big step. Welcome back.

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