I have a blog on a large body part site.

1 min read
Hi, it's been a while. Decided to see what's been going on in the cyber world of giant willies! So what's been happening? Also, say hi if you still remember me! I sent a few PMs to people but think they may have forgotten me. --->I come back and my keyboard stopped working, using the...
Well after a month of not having at home internet service I have internet service at home again. It's really a nice thing.:biggrin1:
1 min read
is baaaaack. Sleep for 20minutes and then wake up wide awake. ugggg. I think I need ACME knock out insomnia cure, aka giant hammer to hit myself on the head with.
just die already. I mean hell when you have sex so loud that you wake people up without even TRYING to be less than EVERYBODY MUST KNOW I AM HAVING SEX LOUD, it's not normal. It's just rude and self absorbed. Anyone else feel like this? Two nights in a row woken up by this. I swear I...
OK So on Sunday I went for a long walk and then came home took a shower and went to bed. It was a tossing turning night of sleep. And I woke up with a sore back. I slept on it wrong. Just a bit of stiffness and tenderness. I thought nothing of it. Ahh it'll go away in a few days, no biggie...
I'm back :biggrin1: I know you're thrilled by my presence again. :tongue: Or maybe not, if so then :fu: What kind of sadist designed this Dell? I mean you have to take off the back. That's reasonable. For this model you have to take off the battery, take off the RAM cover, take the RAM out...
Eminent Hard Disk Drive Failure Need to figure out what the hell I'm gonna do since I've only had this laptop for less than 2yrs. And naturally out of warranty. :rolleyes: Without a computer what will I do with my time, besides working 50-70hrs a week, which seems to have died down a little...
:wave: I'm back, I think:confused:, after being gone for more than a year. I'm grateful to the few people who kept in touch during my absence. Life has changed for me, for a while was really bad but seems to be getting better.
1 min read
I think that sums it up.:frown1: Hiatus.:rolleyes: Ubuntu ain't so bad :biggrin1: the 233Mhz Duron though :rolleyes: leaves much to be desired. Anyway I might be scarce for a bit.:rolleyes: :cool: Email still works though, if you just can't live without me :tongue: (no comments this time)
Considering I forgot to pay the bill and have had my service cut. :rolleyes: And this isn't the first time this year that this has happened. :mad::redface: guess it's time for the pay per minute cell phone considering how infrequently I talk on the phone.
You served me well for 2.5 years. You provided me with hours of enjoyment and lots of fun. What I learned from you will never be forgotten. You didn't cost me much either. I figure you only cost me about 80 bux, you were part of a package deal. You were giving me warning signs for months that...
1 min read
Thanksgiving, not what you've been TOLD!:eek: It's mostly LIES!!!!!:frown1: Ever have venison on Thanksgiving?:smile: Hulu - NGC Presents: Thanksgiving Unstuffed - Watch the full episode now. (USA Only, 1hr long documentary from National Geographic Presents) BAH HUMBUG! :biggrin1:
So I wake up and go to the bathroom. I do my business and then as I'm walking out BOOM :banghead2: :omfg: I walk face first into the edge of the open door. :cussing2::dunce: I didn't want to blind myself by turning on the lights but I knew I should have:redface: In the process of doing that I...
Christ no wonder that dream felt familiar. I should go there.. haven't been there in yrs would be nice to see again yeah I need that... didn't I need that before?... hey wonder how he's doing... haven't seen him in yrs whoa wow yeah that was profound! .....how did I ever forget THAT! All...
Why do I keep having the same wierd ass dreams? I mean honestly I know once I start dreaming the dream, and am vaguely aware of things, I won't feel rested at all unless I "play" the whole dream. You know if u wake up u have to force yourself back to sleep to continue it. If I have to wake up in...
:eek: Amazing considering I'm a guy isn't it? :biggrin1: So yesterday I was in a dead sleep and woke up with this EXTREME pain in my belly. Like I had been punched or run over. I curled up into the fetal position for a few minutes and then managed to crawl/stagger to the bathroom. I felt...
how to get YOUR avatar to show up in chat.. 1, the stock avatars from the site are not showing up in chat 2, NO, well get one 3, Yes, well right click your avatar that u have on any post or your homepage etc... SAVE to your computer (say the desktop) 4, start up lpsg.org in browser, go to CP...
was a nice thought, slightly delusional maybe, but was a nice thought anyway, 1 day it might work out and I won't feel like my head was in a vise gripe because of it. :frown1: Amazing how mere words have the ability to heal, hurt, or otherwise affect people. And I wait...
Did you ever just sit at your computer or in front of a tv and you're really not particularly watching or paying attention. You really don't care what it is but at the same time you're really not thinking about anything? You're not happy, you're not sad. Not tired, not energetic you're just...
oh just turn off the computer turn off all the lights and laydown. NOPE I tried that a while ago, didn't work unfortunately.:frown1: So shall you continue to peruse my innermost thoughts whilst I confess my soul to the digital underworld?? :tongue: OK I'm mega highly stressed right now so...

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