Tink's Think Area

My boyfriend thing eaglebird lives in Nova Scotia as previously posted. I really want him to move back to Ontario and go to school with me to complete a university degree. I have a few reasons for wanting him to move and I'll list them here: 1)School: school here costs less and you need less...
1 min read
I'm now in a long distance relationship with the classmate I was fooling around with. To give the distance I live on the NW part of Ontario and he lives in Nova Scotia. We are far apart. My issues lies in the fact that before he and I started fucking he was sleeping with everyone. He was a...
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Some may argue that he isn't totally gay for sleeping with a girl but that is the least of my concerns. I just had a beautiful fuck session with my new gay friend. It was so calm and relaxing. :smile: I am simply glowing in happiness of the current events. *sigh*
How smart is this, I'm supposed to fuck a classmate tomorrow and I'm really having second thoughts about this. Input please.
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In a twisted fate, horseback rider boy gets caught cheating, but not because of me. His now ex girlfriend only finds out about me a week after he's been dumped. Turns out I wasn't the only girl sucking on his cock. 24 hours after he was dumped he was asking me to fuck him, of course I agreed, I...
1 min read
Ever have one of those days when you realize how much of an impact someone has made on your life? ~To the world you're just one small person, but to one small person you might be the world~ If you want to see positive change in my life, look to how sad I always was, how depressed about life I...
I should have seen it coming, but I was honestly blinded. I should have noticed things like not wanting to spend $50 to mold me your dick, the lack of our bedtime routine of blowing each other a kiss goodnight, or maybe I should have paid more attention to the assholish behavior I watched creep...
It's hard to look you in the eyes and talk to you when the taste of your boyfriends cock is still on my lips. Yes I made your boyfriend cheat. He asked me how I wasn't gagging on his cock. I laughed. This is how you fuck up relationships between classmates, I'm a very bad girl. But he came...
or not, that is the question. Tis not a smart thing to have with braces, but being away from home means that my ortho care is now under another place where my parents can no longer access my information. My mother will no longer be able to sit in on my meetings with the orthodontist and I will...
You think I look good, my pussy is perfect, you want to fuck me. I hear it all the time, but I have no attraction to you. I am truly only attracted to gay men, beautiful men, flamers, twinks, pure beauty. It sends shivers down my spine and puts butterflies in my tummy. I have amazing gaydar...
It's kinda weird, my dad hates gay people and all my close friends are gay. Therefore my parents assume that I am also gay because I a) slept with a gay man b) go to gay social events c) only hang out with gay people It kinda sucks because no matter what I say or do, I'm always getting the...
1 min read
I keep going over this in my head... am I ready to take the next step with him. 10 years of friendship on the line.. do I do it? do I pass? We were a lack of a condom away from fucking last night. But somehow I still think that this is so wrong. I want to.. I want a new level with him, but I...
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I want to wipe my hard drive... I don't think I've ever thought about this before. I want to write down the programs I like and back up the ones I need to.. like Dragon Naturally Speaking... and then wipe it clean. How do I do this? I have the original disk.. but can I use system restore to a...
1 min read
So out of the hundreds of locked logs I have.. the one where I get my gay friend to dish was straight sex was about I cannot unlock.. I can't remember the password to save my life. Someone give me an idea for a program to crack it open. I've tried to reformat the password but it tells me I...
I rarely think negatively of anyone I take the time to talk to.. but now I'm grasping at what the fuck happened because "beautiful boy" is now ignoring me... and wont say why, or read my messages either.. what the fuck!!!
*le sigh* he's absolutely beautiful. His personality, his face, everything about him. One week, is it even possible. His smile makes me smile, his mesmerizing eyes... I eagerly await chatting with him, cute voice, adorable facial expressions.... oh my. I'm in e-love.
1 min read
That is the question. I told my doctor if he didn't make my emotional pain stop... I would stop it myself. So he wrote me off another prescription for Olanzapine. So, here I go into another emotional void... you'll notice my personality change and that kinda depresses me. Oh well... My issues...
TK says: but it would be much easier if I could count on you, when I have tose bad days just pretend to be there.. He says: count on me to do whaty.. TK says: i dont know.. sincerely pretend to care TK says: remember me before i went crazy... and just positively acknowledge i exist He says: i...
So it was brought up in chat a few days ago where I was talking about how I would kill myself if my friend died. I got the usual "omg don't do it, and leave him" responses. Anyhow... I was speaking to my supervisor today and she suggest writing him a hand written letter depicting how much I'd...
1 min read
I'll just copy mindfawk then... I'm a Canadian girl (thats obvious) and a student. I graduate this year and go on to work on my masters in the field. I'm 19 years old... yes only 19. I've recently started horse back riding once again and I love every minute of it. I will be breaking a stud...

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