Celebrating Basement Bear's departure

So the Basement Bear is out of our home. Lord Lovely and I celebrated this fact with what started as a makeout session in the kitchen, then led downstairs to the basement for more and a serious attempt to get me to cum while he fucked me senseless. Didn't quite manage the handsfree thing before he needed to change positions, but I did cum all over his chest while riding astride. Getting him to cum his a marathon event unless I'm fucking him, and he's developed this paraphelia for my scent. So we ended up in a non-standard variation of a sixty-nine, with my cock, balls and associated whiffy bits grinding against and away from his face and my head down near his cock, alternating sucking, and just licking while he jacked it. He gave me fair warning when he was about to cum and I avoided further mess by wrapping my mouth around the head of his cock and swallowing as soonas my mouth filled with his load. At this point we were allready hearing Lady Lovely finishing her bath so we quickly jumped back into our clothes. I really don't understand his need for secrecy, She's fully aware that we fuck. perhaps he just wants to forstall coment.


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