
This is , perhaps, the FINAL post about my co-worker the cock-blocker.
The Second phase of this war is over: I say "Second" because this whole thing has happened twice now; two different women, same out come.
I kinda NUKED the whole friendship- with him AND her.

I've done this to other friends and lovers when one side could not accept the other.
My homeboy Jay and my lover Ashlee 2 years ago;

My Lover Suzannah and my ace Adam 6 years ago.

It makers no difference to me- I can make new friend.

So now Tami and "Judas" (my so called friend) can go fuck each other senseless.. they're halfway there already, so it shouldn't take them very long to accomplish this.
No I'm not hating on them.. in fact, I still have a chance with her if I want his leftovers.

Why am I so pissed? because I care about Tami, and Judas wanted a blowjob (well, if you saw her lips... mm-HM!!!).
Well, while his girl was out of town, he fucked Tami, and a few other women at work(... who were talking about his "shortcomings" in whispery giggles...)

Long story short, Tami comes to me, and asks why I've been so distant.I've ignored her texts and her calls- after the LAST time I asked her to text me was 3 weeks ago.

Well, I found out you and Judas had a little fun.. and Karla, and Raiha...I couldn't help but get a bit pissed over it.

"Well, you snooze, you lose", Tami retaliated.

I didn't say anything, just walked away.
I was TRYING to be a real man, and not just get in her pants.

I guess Superlarge and badboybryce were RIGHT:

Shoulda whipped out the heavy artillery....

Anyway... now that TAMI's out f the Picture... there is TRACI..............

Maybe Pam..............

And I wonder if Deidre wants to play strip-poker quarters again....

See? Things are looking (and POKING) up again already.

:biggrin1:"Take care of yourselves-AND Each other.":biggrin1:


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