wow....just wow.

so i didn't think people could be so rude.. its pretty messed up when i get multiple messages today from people on lpsg saying "dude your small, why are you even f***ing on this website". now i thought that 6" was pretty average, but i guess some conceited hung a-holes find the need to piss me off..:frown1:

i thought that this place was pretty nice, but i guess there are those select few....:mad:



Don't let them get under your skin. They aren't worth even typing about. It takes so little to be civil, and certainly does
more for ones image and peace of mind than nastisness.
There are lot's of great members here, enjoy them!
dont mind them you said, you're average, so what? even if this site is meant for large cock owners, its not exclusively made for said people...Everybody is welcome!! large cock owners and large cock lovers
Hey Bud, from one average guy to another, don't let them get to you. I've learned #1, if you are real, you belong here more than many on here that have pics of big cocks.
Secondly, it's been said here many's not only for the owners of large cocks, but also supporters of large cocks.
Besides, your average cock looks like it's actually above average and it's definitely above average in looks too. In fact it's gorgeous.
In all seriousness, they're probably just jealous!
You serious? Well...I can't stand this place either, tends to attract some..."off-centered mental" types of people.

As in, "Arkham just let me out on good behaviour".

That said, fuck them in the neck if they can't take a joke, or they don't like what you got. They will get over it. I just did.....

Then again, as a MAN with some honor and hung large, I, at least, am respectful of other gentlemen (in the non-gay way) to NEVER be a shithead and disrespect another man like that.

Remember....."retards" are fairly common on here.
Common sense ain't so common anymore.
The funny part?

They are retards no matter what. And NOW you get why THEY are on here. Because us cool dudes always attract losers like that.....(even when we don't do dudes).
I haven't looked at your pix but I will say I've seen average and small one look better than some of the giants. That's not to say that some of the giants aren't pretty too. :redface: but u know what I'm saying. There are some ppl here who are ALLL about the cocksize, other ppl are on here and it's about cock but then it becomes about the ppl. Once you realize the site is about the people you'll realize that there are some fucking bad apples in the bunch.

Just consider the sources... "DUDE you're fucking small" coming from someone who has no pix, or pix that are so badly photoshopped a blind person could tell they weren't real :wink:(yes there are plenty of those on here) has no meaning or merit on you. Or could be like some of the guys on here, taking pix with dildoes in their pants and pretending to be big.

Real people will prefer you be real instead of some fantasy that they make themselves out to be.
You got a nice one and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Read my profile, you'd be in the drivers seat.