Spin Classes Are A Pain In The Arse ( Literally !)

I've been laid down the last few weeks due to a severe bought of the flu, so its just now that ive been able to throw myself back into my whole fitness regime to loose this stubborn body fat around my stomach and basically get in shape. So first things first I decided to head back to doing my spin classes a couple of times a week, as I found they were really helping me shift that stubborn stomach fat quite quickly as well as tone up my legs and giving my bum some much needed 'roundness' as it were.
FUCK ! I forgot how damn exhausting spinning was, not to mention that, once you get off the bike after that 45 minute of non stop spinning that your bum feels like its solid rock and as sore as hell ! Like someone has jabbed your entire glute area with large pins or needles and then spanked you so hard it's left raw and sore beyond belief !
The upside is though I am told spin classes burn a lot of calories and shift the body fat a lot more quickly that most other forms of classes at the gym,so long as you do quite a few of them per week on top of setting up a proper fat loss diet. Perhaps I can IM Monster and get some more advice......:redface:


I've been doing spinning class 3-4 times a week since last November. I sweat like crazy and I can tell my stamina has increased dramatically. I don't get winded like I used to, and I can push myself much harder on the bike. But the strange thing is that I have lost hardly any pounds (maybe 4 pounds since November). And I thought the first few pounds were supposed to be the easy ones - kinda discouraging. All I can hope is that the weight is getting better distributed and that muscle weighs more than fat.
So, spin classes have helped you to form the perfect arse that you are sporting then! Better get me to a spin class! ;P

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