A Return (short lived) (I hope not)

So this concussion has really kicked my ass. I am in concussion therapy 3 days a week. The therapy is very hard work, but also very much fun. Many times I feel like a dope because what I am being asked to do is so easy, but I guess it is not as easy as it appears.

The other thing I found out the hard way was that jerking off was actually bad for a concussion. Wish I had known that a few weeks ago. Apparently in your ability to get your mind to focus and make you cum, it really works your brain and the bottom line of concussion recovery is rest your brain as much as possible.

When I found this out, I went back to the I had jerked off and thought about how I felt before, during, and after and it was on the money. So looks like any fun will not be happening for a while yet. As previously mentioned, I still get hard pretty easily and leak like a fountain, but that apparently is not as bad as the full out slide the hand with lube!!

I miss posting and talking to some of you. I also miss looking at all the hunky men who are either members on here or have been posted on here. I have been just about symptom-free for about 4 days and had a really hard therapy session yesterday. The therapist said that if I had a raging headache today - it was normal, but if I didn't or didn't have much of one, then things were getting better. So far so good. I hope to start posting again next week at least a little at a time.

Just wanted you to know that I was still alive and kicking.



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