Size vs point of view

Never ever had a great self esteem and mostly due to my tiny weenie size, honestly, lost a lot of chances because of it even though lot of females find me being quite attractive.

Anyways, regarding size and point of view, seen from above, it looks nothing special at all, average maybe, maybe a bit on the thicker side but, still, nothing special.

Seen in my gf mouth it made a way better impression, I mean, to see how it fullfills her mouth makes me feel a bit more proud of what I am but still not enough to boost my confidence, let's say I am not one of those who gets easily satisfied so I tend to be over critic about everything and even more about myself, my gf never complained about me and my size but, still, feeling quite inadequate...


I know how you feel, I myself am considered well hung yet I feel small.
To me I am small, to others I am big.
I don't think I can be considered hung at all, when I see my toy from above, sigh... looks sooooo small
When then I saw it in a girl's mouth it did a different impression, maybe the comparison helps, at least it looked like she had to stretch quite enough to accomodate it...

Length or girth??? What do you think does the trick most? I guess length satisfies the eye for sure but what about girth?

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