Rough sex

This sounds really silly,

butt When I slept over my bf's on Monday night, we were fucking for the 2nd time, & I was on top of him, & we were really going @ it rougher than usual, he was even lifting me by my ass going up&down, & he made me bleed! It didn't hurt/seemed like it didn't hurt bc when I got off of him to switch positions othere was blood on him. We of course stopped. It was cute he was all worried, & I was more embarassed & grossed out I wanted to pass out/throw up.

I was thinking, did he pop my cherry?!?!?! Bc I thought my cherry was popped A LONG time ago.... in High school .... Probably not, but it was just a thought

So LPSG'rs is it possible to get your cherry re-popped?


bleeding during sex can be from many things, it is possible that you where re-popped, but the chances are slim.
if bleeding happens again you should visit your doctor
wishing you a ffun weekend
Bleeding can be from many things, your best bet is to see your dr BUT, you can get small tears or abrasions that could happen during rough sex.
Same thing happened to my wife and I last year. She had a bad case of UTI though, so we attributed it to that. I do remember we were going at it pretty hard.
At least 2 women I can remember bled with me on different times. I have no idea why, but it didn't have anything to do with popping their cherry or with their monthly period...
surely the bleeding has to be caused by some physical problem,,,,,lately i had sex with a guy that treated me extremelly rough and didn t bleed at all
You need to take this seriously and see a doctor right away. Bleeding after sex can be the first sign of uterine cancer, when it can be stopped before you lose your uterus or your ability to have children. If you wait, you could lose your life. You should go to your gynecologist and get a pelvic exam and a pap smear to eliminate that as a cause. Tell your doctor about your post-sex bleeding. There are many other medical causes for bleeding after sex.

Here are the top 10 reasons for post-sex bleeding.

Top 10 Causes of Vaginal Bleeding After Sex

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