Delusions of grandeur

Has anyone ever run into someone on here who is completely delusional in their thoughts and actions? So delusional in fact, that you cannot even begin to reason with them because they are so caught up in their own little worlds that to believe for one second something doesn't involve them would be to crash their fragile ego into smithereens?

It's borderline crazy to be attacked for doing nothing. Some people just can't handle it when they aren't the center of attention. Instead, the feel it's appropriate to lash out with lies and propaganda and try to bring others over to their side.

Bring it. Bring them all. I don't give a flying fuck. It's the god damned internet and I think you're absolutely pathetic.


Oh yes! I work full time in the medical field. We have one employee that tells everyone how to do their patient care, even if it is not his patient. He thinks he is the only one who knows anything. I just ignore him.
I know it's crazy. And it's useless to defend myself because anything I say is clearly an attempt to win the person over and is a lie. pshaw.
i've seen evidence of the type of behavior i believe you're referencing by reading through threads on this site. i think it's just part of a specific type of psyche manifesting itself in the social dynamic created by this type of thing, the internetz
That's possible Nohiding. It is frustrating having to deal with it, and then not even being able to defend yourself because the other person won't listen.
I think in the instant access internet age we are in there is definitely a me, me, me mentality that has developed in many people who use social networking, especially those who are young enough to have never been without it, that breeds these delusions of grandeur and thoughts that the world revolves around me.

It is quite pathetic to see actually. I empathize, it drives me crazy as well.

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