In love with a friend and his father

Alright so I am the all american kid. I am very normal and outgoing. But when I am by myself I obsess about one of my friends as well as his father. I have been in love with my friend as long as I can remember. I have known him for about 15 years but we didnt get close till about 7 years ago when we were in high school. I always fantasize about him and ya I have been the border line stalker. Everday about 3 times a day I check his facebook and often check his twitter. But ya dont get me wrong he is one of my best friends but I think I have approached him for us to be so close. Like to be honest I actually transferred colleges to be with him. when we are together I am not werid or strange just friends. But I just happen to jack off to him when I am alone. However which is werid is over the last year he has secretly been approaching me. For example the past two nights I woke up with texts from him seeing what I was doing... all sent when he was drunk at 2am. I have also quoted him saying to myself in a scarastic manner "If I were gay I would hook up with you"... haha like i just dont know it is crazy. I am so abnormal but I fantisize about him. However, In my head if I were to ever hook up with him what would I do? Would I just kiss him? Well thats no fun... would i attempt to blow him? but then that is crazyyy and how do we wake up the next day and be cool? Do I let him fuck me? now that is nuts... Do I fuck him? Ughh nothing feels right I think i should just keep to jacking off to him.

Now for his father, I have been in love with him as well, pretty much their last name always sticks in my head and it is werid how much I put them in my life. like In class I would site and write their name... like I am straight up stalker werid shit I pull. But face to face I am never werid or out of line I play it off well.

It just feels good for the first time I can actually come out and say this I have never spoke out about this.. I am super werid, so I keep it to myself... but its nuts I know.... but yesss I am in love with my best friend and the man that gave life to him


its seems they're a hell of hot family .. i say go for them both . nthg hotter than getting sexual with him and it seems that he will enjoy it too .. ;)
unless you get more hints from him that he would want to do something, i wouldn't. not if you value your friendship which it seems you do. don't let desires jeopardize friendships. and definitely don't get involved with his dad. lol just my opinions and advice.
haha ya I am never going to pursue his dad haha i no that and for him I think I am just going to wait until he makes a move on me... and if it happens it happens and if not then what ever... and if he happens to make the move onto me I will just make it easy
Next time you're together after a few drinks at 2am and he says he'd hook up with you if he was gay say "Same here, Dude!"

Wrestling is always a good way to get some body contact and see if he gets a hardon. So at 2am after you get back to your place order pizza and suggest you wrestle for who is going to pay for it. If he readily agrees, that's a good sign.

Also have some straight porn DVD's on the table for him to see when he comes over and one in the player so if your or he turns on the TV it starts playing. Double penetration would be good -- two guys on one girl, but the guys not interacting. That might freak him out.

As far as what to do sexually, mutual JO or frottage would probably be a good start. If he moves it ahead and blows you, be sure you reciprocate that very night. When he leaves be sure to tell him that you hope everything is still cool between you -- he's a great friend and you want to keep him. Don't act embarrassed or act like there is anything wrong with what you did. Tell him it was a great bonding experience. In other words, manage his perceptions.

I agree that the dad is strictly hands off. Be happy if you get your friend. Keep the dad as a fantasy only and DON'T tell your friend about it.

Good luck and keep us posted!
good advice man ya I am just going to try and hang out with him more and see where it goes. thanks
Hey bud, if he actually said "I would hook up with you if I were gay" The thought has crossed his mind and a whole lot more than once too.

Like other dude said the best way to find out if he is into fooling around or not is to flip on some str8 porn after he has had a few beers. If he is he is gonna come out of his pants pretty quick. LOL If not he is gonna sit there with a raging hard on in his pants and do nothing. If you are as close as you say and he has a few brewskis in him I suspect he is gonna unzip.

Once he does that he has already taken the HUGE step of queering out with a another dude so getting him to go further (i.e. stroking or sucking each other) shouldn't take too much effort. I suspect if he does it he is going to feel really weird about it so make sure you re-assure him that what happened is just between the two of you, and that nothing has changed between you.

Good luck
i think some people here have what is probably good practical advice on seduction of confused guys. Faliing in love with someone and getting very rapt up in it is quite normal. Just bear in mind it isnt a very objective state to judge the beloveds reactions. He might be texting you just because no one else will talk to him at all and hes totally bored at 2am. But it does give you the opportunity to text back and be just a little provocative. If anything does ever come of it, probably he'll grow up to be like his dad so you will get that eventually, but unless theyre a very very strange family, not now.
I agree with almost all of the advice. Hang out with him more and if something happens between you definitely be careful of your response when he asks if you've ever done stuff with another guy. If it is his first time then he's probably going to appreciate the newbie company and not a completely full disclosure of your freekdom (you're not by the way!).

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