And then

My bf is a mean spirited person. We have a roommate that knows he has to leave because he doesn't pay rent, but my bf harasses him, disconnects the cable during the day so he can't use it, hides the remotes to the TVs and other dumb shit that is over the top. I can see what kind of parent he'd have been.

And what kind of bf is he? Not a very good one. We have no real sex life to speak of. He's no real support to me. I'd rather die than to ask him for anything. Lots more negative stuff.

And we go back to the question of why am I here? Whatever.

Work is pissing me off. The other contractors go and take like 2.5 hours for lunch and report only taking .5 hours. They talk all day about non work related shit. The guy that is an employee that I get stuck working with puts all of his work on me.

I am happy to say that I've got a couple of job opportunities running down the pipe. It will be good if I get one of these jobs. It will help so much.

I need sex with a straight guy. :)


Kimahari, find another rommate and get the hell out of dodge! You don't deserve this nonsense...heck no one does. :confused: I know he's your boyfriend but he sounds like a ClassA Asshole. When you get that knew job, and you will! :cool: Wait until he leaves for work then just pack your stuff and go. Let the jerk come home to an empty house.
I've done that to him once so far. You'd have thought he'd learned better by now.
I came back because he asked me too. I'm a simple guy. Unless I'm completely against something, if you ask me to do something, I'll generally do it.
by Kimahri:I need sex with a straight guy. :)
Over my dead body! :biggrin1:

I've done that to him once so far. You'd have thought he'd learned better by now. Actually, I was thinking you should have learned better by now. :rolleyes: He loses nothing by having you there; but you lose yourself. :mad: That is not a fair trade.

I came back because he asked me too. I'm a simple guy. Unless I'm completely against something, if you ask me to do something, I'll generally do it. Kimahri, I know you have been thru a lot; but you need to get a backbone dude! Seriously, this man is treating you like a doormat.

To quote Maya Angelou, "when people show you who they really are, believe them." That man will NEVER change; but you can. Get the hell outta dodge.
Ms. NJQT, you took the words right out of my mouth.

Some time ago I read about the concept of "toxic relationships"...when people in your life who hold you back or do you emotional or physical harm. This BF sounds like a textbook case.
I agree with NJ and oneguy, but it isn't so easy to stand up to someone you have been that intimate with. My brother stayed with Mr. Wrong for years before finally getting out and one of the reasons he is now getting out is he finally has a damn good job that can afford him a life on his own.

Keep your head up Kimahri, don't let yourself get destroyed by him and don't be afraid to jump in the water of life on your own. The first few strokes are hard and then it's easy.

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