Goodwood & A Baby

the other day in the course of usual business and popping in and out of the office while in the office/store, a girl came in to procure her nursing school scrubs. she arrived with her older sister and the older sister's 8 month old nephew.

the student was HOT. long, dark hair and green eyes. all of a size 4, super in shape.
AND she had a great personality. this is a rare combination.


get the girl what she needs for class. job one.

while she is doing that, her haggard older sister sits little boy on the counter and goes off to help her sister shop for scrubs. thre sits the baby.
huh. not good to let the baby sit on the counter unattended so i picked up the baby and held him and talked to him.
hia big hazel eyes looked at me in the most evaluating manner.
he seemed to think it was all right. he put his teething thing in his mouth and trird to conmfort his gum pain from the teeth. when the hot student girl and her haggard sister returned the hot girl aunt exclaimed "that's weird!" and stood and looked at me and the baby.
the baby's mother had a look of relief on her face.
i smiled and asked if everything was okay and they said in unison "its just weird" and looked at the other one.
they went on to say "he NEVER goes to strangers! who ARE you? that this baby snuggles under your chin and his little hand grabs your shirt?".

at this point the teething baby was drifting off to sleep much to the surprise of the mother and her sister. i placed the baby back into his stroller wihtout him waking up.
they couldn't believe it.

the women were taken care of and i enjoyed doing what very few man can do - care for an 8 month old baby in good fashion. i wish it was my own child i was putting to nap.

oh well. goodwood got to enjoy a beautiful baby. that made me very happy.


Glad you got to have this experience. They spend months being mostly noisy and incontinent, but I know it always amazed me to hold my own babies until they fell asleep, because then you gaze on something so tiny and perfect and innocent that it just grabs at your heart. You'll get there one day. You've just proved that you're a natural so hang in there pal.

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