Andrew Christian swimsuit acquired

I ordered an Andrew Christian swimsuit last week and it finally came.

I like it okay. Unfortunately the only color available in my size has a white codpiece area. I've got it, I've tried it on and it's waaaay more translucent than I anticipated.

It may, in fact, be too provocative for even ME to wear at a public beach. Tight around my butt? No problem? Visible penis line? Sweet. Translucent when dry? Borderline. Transparent when wet. No go.

So I'm thinking of sending these back and waiting for some that have a darker jock section.

Let me take some pics (wet and dry) and add them to the post later on tonight :)


It may not be returnable but we all damn sure want to see those photos *wink* How much were they? How about we all kick in $2 each until the suit is paid for so we get the photos? (I really think the Devil has been sitting on both my shoulders today)
Glad to see my favourite fashionista is still out there pushing the envelope ... as well as the lycra! I'm willing to throw in a few dollars too and look forward to seeing some pictures. As for that transparent look - Jeez, Jinkies, if you've got it then I say go ahead and flaunt it!
I bought the same swimsuit. I didn't really think it was that transparent until I got it wet. Wow, was I surprised.

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