Really Weird Dream!

One day last week I had the luxury of an afternoon nap.

I had a dream, a weird dream. So weird, I texted everyone I knew. Okay, truth be told I have a tendency to text people 24/7 whenever a thought pops into my head.

Usually I don't remember a dream for more than 10 minutes after I wake up. Now here it is almost a week later and I still remember and am confuzzled/distressed by this dream.

I dreamt that I was walking in the woods beside my old church in New Jersey with McCauley Culkin. We were just walking and talking like we were buddies. He was telling me how he'd been feeling kinda depressed lately and just couldn't shake "the blues." I told him he had to learn take joy in the little things in life. I pointed out a giant pile of leaves next to the playground and I told him to run and jump in them like when he was young. He looked at me like I was nuts but he did it. He kinda smiled but didn't laugh or express anything akin to joy. So I kneeled before him, undid his belt, unzipped his khakis and proceeded to give him a really, great blow job.:blowjob: I could tell by his moans and hip movements he was enjoying himself.:biggrin1: Here's where it gets weird. I looked up at his face and it wasn't McCauley Culkin anymore, it's my best friend DJ! I was horrified and woke up.

I should explain that I have known DJ since I was like 15. I have never had any romantic feelings for him or vice versa. He's 2 or 3 years younger than me and we met in Sunday School. We were in the UMYF together and yes over 20 years later we are still best buddies. I'm sure the really sick and twisted thing to many of y'all, is I am still friends with most of the kids from youth group.

Why after over 20 years of friendship would I have a dream like that? I was so freaked out by the whole sucking off DJ thing I almost forgot that McCauley Culkin is not my type either. :eek5:

So what is your interpretation of my weird dream folks? :confused:


Repressed emotions. The walk in the park represents you getting back to basics and possibly reliving some of your youth at the same time. Culkin is the representation of all the men you have had (not your type). DJ represents who you subconciously feel is your type.

Simple dream analysis
Repressed emotions. The walk in the park represents you getting back to basics and possibly reliving some of your youth at the same time. Culkin is the representation of all the men you have had (not your type). DJ represents who you subconciously feel is your type.

Simple dream analysis
Interesting, I had a slightly different interpretation. The location to me represents my homesickness for New Jersey and my old neighborhood in particular. The woods, (it's not a park) are actually about 2 acres of heavily wooded area between the parsonage and the church. As we were walking the church was on my right. The parsonage and McCauley Culkin were on my left. I thought the church was sort of my right hand, i.e. something I could always depend upon or fall back on.

I thought the blow job meant that I haven't gotten any in way too long. :frown1::redface:
I also thought that maybe it was a way of telling me I often choose to be intimate with the wrong men for me. That when these men change or perhaps just show their true colors I am freaked out and a bit scared.

But I don't know, this one is just friggin' weird.
It FEELS weird to you cos you don't understand it and you are uncomfortable with it. I don't find it weird at all. I have some very interesting dreams, I TRY to embrace them mentally and enjoy the elements I can. I dreamed the other night I was a character on the show "frasier". Had some good laughs over it without worrying over the analysis too much. Dream on, girlfriend!:smile:
I think you're both right but also notice that it's autumn, which may translate to a feeling of urgency because of passing time.

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