Jerkin-off with Buds


Yeah...I had a buddy who had (honest to G*D) a 12 and a half inch dick. He had invited me over to watch pornos together numerous times, but the one time I did go over, but I had brought another friend....and nothing ever happened. I will admit that I would not have said no to a little "help" or "helping" him. Funny..every time I went over his house, he was in his underwear...think he was trying to tell me something? Plus..when I jokingly told him my wife always wanted a 3 some....he volunteered that he had the 12.5 inches....and that his girlfriend at the time wanted get her teeth pulled because he was so thick....ahhh the memories!
Yep....we are still friends....but he lives in North Dakota now and I still live in the Philly area. I regret that I had the chance to partake ...but never did anything.....
I'm somewhat intrigued that I never had an urge to jerk-off with an acquaintance, buddy, or friend. I have jerked-off with guys that became a buddy. I have become buddies with acquaintances at nudist venues, and never considered jerking off with them. I need another guy indicating his desire for jerking together first.

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