A Drink in my honor

Although I usually prefer a good hoppy beer or a margarita...I do love this drink as well!

And appropriately named.


RED HEADED SLUT! :biggrin1:


xD, lol , i could do my own basic version of the drink, with one of those red sodas and a shot of tequila
Sounds good I'll have to try that sometime. But meanwhile my drink of choice is...
2 shots of Crown Royal
a splash of sweet vermouth
a drop or two of maraschino cherry juice.
Shaken in a chilled glass!
A Votre Sante!
I'm sure you've read over and over that I don't really drink, but sometimes I try a sip of something before I scrunch my nose up at the taste. I like peach schnapps and I've had a yager (spelling?) bomb before, which is just yager and redbull and that's pretty good, tastes like old time cherry lollipops. That drink sounds pretty good. I'm not a fan of cranberry, but I would definitely try it.

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