FWB/FB Dilemma

I keep revisiting the past, and I know I have to move on. Perhaps what I need is a sexual palate cleanser - a new man, a new cock. Some new sexual experiences to replace the ones left behind.

As I never meet any new people, I am using a "dating" site from which to select a new friend with benefits/fuck buddy.

So bear with me as I drift away from my fantasy blog to detail the search.....

Let's look at the candidates so far:

1. The Master: Ok, this guy was never seriously in the running, but I have to say that he knows what he wants. All I would have to do is move a couple of provinces over, and live naked in his home. Well, not entirely naked - I get a collar. I would meet all his sexual needs and he would discipline and train me. Eventually, I would be the better woman for the experience. Oh, did I mention he'll let me get dressed and go to work everyday? I may be his sex slave, but it's no excuse for not chipping in for my share of the rent. At least I wouldn't be spending much on clothes.

I do like a man who knows how to take charge.....maybe?......better not.

2. Grandpa: A man reaching his 70s who is looking for a pretty little lady for some fun now and again. He actually sends me a "sexy picture" of himself. Oh dear...... I don't want to say anything negative, but let's just say I was not aroused.

I actually got numerous Grandpa type messages. As I do not have daddy issues... these are ones I decline.

3. The Visitor: Again, I have received several "visitor" messages. These are men who are passing through town and want me to show up at their hotel room to fuck them. No pictures necessary. Just show up and be clean. It's great that these men have some standards.

I don't know. Men that are too cheap to pay for an escort certainly can't afford me!

4.EEK: He looked great to me. Younger, but not too young. Funny, smart and extremely horny. But as we chatted, something became evident. I know his ex-wife.

This will never work, but I'll hold him in reserve just in case.

5. Luke(warm): The second of the serious contenders. Again, younger, but not too young. Funny, articulate and all around pretty good guy. The problem? I'm not sure he's as sexually on fire as I like a man to be. I like really horny men. He's never had his balls sucked or had a wet finger slide up his ass. Everything I said seemed to shock him.

Maybe I should keep looking.....then again, maybe he's open to teaching.

Speaking of teaching....

6. The Teacher: May be a contender. Experienced, educated and seems like a great guy. Ok looking. Oh and a nice thick cock. So what's the problem? He's age appropriate and I do not want a relationship. And because I don't want one, it's likely he will. That's just how my life works.

Still, as he's my age - he's probably pretty good in bed and still energetic enough to have fun.

7. The Driller: Good looking, well built, thick/long cock, sexually adventurous and experienced. Younger than I and I already know that a night with him is going to be hot. The downside? He is in town for a month and gone for 6 weeks. Also, I don't think we share the same sense of humour - no bantering....and I really like that part of sex too. (Actually, I'm not sure he has a sense of humour at all.) I find some witty repartee quite sexy!

So, what do I do? I am not seriously attracted to any of these men, but that's not that unusual. That kind of breathless attraction occurs about once every 15 years. And since I recently had that - I still have quite some time to go. I just want someone I like and want to fuck and who likes and wants to fuck me. Just have fun together. I have so much sexual energy and I need to use it.

Why aren't any of you wonderful LPSGers with whom I am friends - why don't you live near enough to me? You know who you are!

So advice or votes on candidates will be appreciated. Or you could move. Here. :fingersx:


Votes for...

EEK-How well do you know EEKs ex wife? Is she your buddy or just someone you know and run into rarely?

The Teacher-Only if you clear up the he might want a relantionship.

The Driller- Hmmm drill baby drill? LMAO, OMGosh sorry I couldn't help it. Seriously maybe you should get to know this one alittle more if you are looking for something non commital. Younger man, he's going away so you two can keep some distance, you should be interested but seem disinterested. However, he seems the logical choice to me from your description? If there is no click then don't go for it.
Good input! EEK's ex is someone I run into professionally. Could be awkward....

I think Driller might be the guy for all the reasons you state. (Also, he's driller by trade and since I'm thinking about letting him drill me..... lol)
Who am I to say? But, since you asked ...

1, 2, 3 are out.

EEK - why do you care that you know his ex? Awkward? You can handle anything.

Luke - still waters run deep. How do you know he's not a tiger in sheep's clothing? And think how much you can teach him!

Teacher - since when does "age appropriate" condemn a man to the bonepile, so to speak? Lay down the rules as I know you can do and go for it.

Driller - the man can drill during the day and drill all night, what's not to like? You might appreciate a few weeks' separation and think of the reunions! He might have a great sense of humor -- you make me laugh, I'm sure you'll make him laugh.
La Femme, I think you and I are running into the same guys!! Just substitute Teacher for Doctor and Driller for Military Contractor. Both of whom I'm considering btw...

And if one more "In town for business" hits me up again...UGH!!!! Though tempted to tell them that with a couple thousand dollars, I might consider meeting them! See what a shock they get! No way am I allowing myself to be treated like a prostitute!
Amen PSG! There is no way I'm doing one night hook ups! I'd like to ask for a 2,000 price and see what they think...but Yuck, yuck, yuck!

Still pondering the possibilities tho....
#3 - I always respect when someone understands and respects working women (prettyswinggirl: why does treating women badly equate with prostitutes? Don't you think that men who treat civilian women well do the same for working women, and bad the same?)

#4 - Very funny about the ex-wife.

#7 - Yes! Yes! The banter and witty smiles and asides are a great part of sex. That always seems alot more of a turn on to me than porno-style antics (although in the rare cases that those are genuine, it can be very sexy). Part of why I don't go for women in their 20s and never did.

I think that sexual energy is a semi-renewable resource. Using it keeps you from losing it. And so much fun! Good luck.
I hear you.

I live around millions pf people, and the LPSG Members who I adore most all live between 400 to 3000 miles away.

Hope you find the ideal male combination of right Age, Sexual adventurous, has proper respect for you, financially sound and Oh yes Hung

Good luck :D

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