I wish to apologize for my absence from the site.

I hope you are all having a very good new year. I'm sorry I haven't been very active on here lately, since the new year, I have been busy with one thing and another. I hope to be more active again soon! Once again, sincere apologies from me. ManofThunder, signing out.


Hi ManofThunder - hope all is well. I thought about you just the other day when I stumbled on a photo of my one and only attempt at contemporary painting (an assignment in art school) and thought I'd show it to you some time since we share that interest.

Thanks for posting and don't be a stranger, you've got many friends here.
You've always been here for me and I'll always be here for you! Time doesn't matter, only the warmth and goodness in your heart. Take care and we'll talk soon!
Perhaps we need an Official Leave of Absence Post for LPSG - so that anybody that has not been active for any amount of time can leave a message to all and sundry, that is if they feel the need to do so.

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