Wow, things do get better!

Well, what a difference a few days can make!

Since my last blog, I found one of my long time friends and teenage crush on face book, go freaking figure, lol! Anyway, I got in touch with him and come to find out that he has loved me since back then and we are talking like 17 years ago here peeps. We flirted heavily as teenagers. I kissed him ONCE and gave him a lil flash and he still remembers that! He told me he remembers our first kiss and he has been head over heels for me ever since.

We have been talking on the phone and on video im for the past few days and I want to see if he is the same flirtatious kid I knew back then or is he a different man now. He wants to get to know me as a person and not just jump between my breasts and my legs. That is a wonderful change to the men I have met in the past and on this site.

I get butterflies every time we talk and it feels good to be wanted by someone that I have wanted for so long. He makes me blush, feel all giddy like I am back in school.

I wanna see where this might lead me to, but I am protecting my heart too.

Wish me luck!


Wow..this is awesome!!! So happy for you..just take it slow sweety..17 years ago is a very long time ago.. You both have changed. So enjoy this ride nice and slow :)..Hope this will be great for the both of you :)
It may turn out well, but I know of a couple similar instances where they married and it didn't. So don't rush.
So Happy for you !! It's kind of nice to get those giddy butterflies !! Lots of Luck!! xoxo
You all were correct! It was nice to talk on the phone, HE NEVER CAME TO SEE ME!! He lived ONE city over and found every excuse in the world not to come see me! We no longer speak, but it was nice to be wanted for a lil while.

If they dont want to come see me, THEY AINT WORTH IT!!!!

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