Scared to sleep

Yep, big old me is scared to lay my head down and sleep. I had a dream this morning after I put my ass back to bed within an hour of awaking. Don't know what the fuck my trip was so back I went. I knew I had to once I started bawling for nothing. But right before I woke up the second time around around I had that fucken ugly ass post hospital stay dream. I hate it. I've had it several times. The first time was when I got home (my moms) 2 days after I was released. Won't go into details of the dream but it's the state I was in once I was awake. I was deaf, unable to move my body, I could see, and I wasn't breathing. I swear to God, I felt like I was dead. The only thing that I could move was my eyes. I laid there on my side looking around the room. Because I couldn't hear I wondered, where is everyone? Tried to move, couldn't do it. Why am I not breathing? Where's my heart and why is it not beating? I don't know how long I tried to make everything work again but I remembered the last part of the dream. They told me that I had passed the test and would be permitted to return to be with my mom, which is what I kept on telling them was what I wanted. I laid there in my awakened state and remembered I was at her house. My mom.... breath dammit! and then I could hear everything, like I had just emerged from a long silenced tunnel and tears started to roll down my face and I laid there sobbing uncontrollably like a child whose feelings have been hurt so horribly. The only other time I ever cried like that was the day we buried my brother. Anyway, I had that fucken dream again this morning. I hate it. I hate that dead feeling I have from it. I'm alive. Grateful for it but that nightmare needs to go away dammit.


As I have said breath, relax and let it go. There is a key to the dreams. You need to find that key to unlock the door. Think outside your normal thoughts because that key may have no direct ties to the dreams you r having.
Just try to remember that once a dream starts to get illogical and weird, that's the sign to snap out of it. I can't tell you how many times I've dosed off and seen my boss in my dream, and then realize I wasn't at work, so I snapped out of it. Heart was racing, but dispelled it afterwards
There's a condition (which I have) called "sleep paralysis" - the symptoms are close to what you describe. Mine started for me right before I graduated high school and continues on and off to this day (oh, so many years later). It seems to be triggered by stress, which, from your post, would apply in your case.

If it helps, most episodes last less than a minute and it's perfectly harmless - although it can be frightening while it's happening. (I mainly find it annoying now.) Unfortunately, there's not much that can be done to stop it other than dealing with the stress that might be triggering it. Relaxation exercises before bed might help.

When an episode hits, the key is not to fight it. The more you fight it, the longer it seems to last. Stay as calm as possible and it will usually pass quickly.
I hate that dream & wish it would go away. It only reminds me of my illness at that time. I had some major life changes at that point as well as making some changes due to my gratefulness for being alive. Moving forward, one foot in front of the other.
I know the feeling of those bad dreams that come over and over, i had one similar a few years ago, it happened like 5 times, hope u can sleep better soon :)
Use to have those types of dreams too. I chalked mine up to my subconscience showing me how helpless i either am in a situation or how helpless i feel about a situation. Seems like you've got the right idea though. Hope everything works out :)

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