Go Ahead, Flatter Us Some More

I asked TheBF, "Do you remember going to some guy's birthday party and swimming naked in his pool?"

"What? No." He reacted exactly the same way I did. That is, until a very fuzzy memory began to come into focus.

"Really? Because I have memory of you stripping down and diving into a pool at a party." In the memory, we were by a pool in the middle of the night, with sounds of music, talking, laughter, and horny drunken half-naked people chasing each other around and squealing in delight. I also remembered feeling really proud of how gorgeous TheBF looked, so proud that he had come with me. That was MY date.

"Wait..." He thought about it for a moment. "Yeah... It was in the middle of the woods, right?"

"I don't remember. All I remember is seeing you stripping down to go swimming at a party, but I don't remember me doing it. Do you?"

"No..." First I couldn't believe that we went skinny dipping at a party like that, and then we actually managed to forget about it. Who forgets something like that?

"Were we drunk? Because I can't remember anything else."

"Neither can I. It had to have been when we first started dating. Didn't Greg bring us there?"

"See, I thought he was one of Charlene's friends."

"Oh," he said. It couldn't have been one of our regular friends who took us, because they would have ribbed us about it and wouldn't have let us forget about it, but it would have to have been someone we trusted not to make us sorry for our behavior who could take us to a party where we didn't know anyone else, and both Greg and Charlene fit that description. Greg is a bar-crawlin' hipster who is much younger than either of us. Charlene is a very popular and locally semi-famous goth/steampunk author who is friends with lots of gamers and geeks and fetishy people. While both attend wild parties where skinny dipping wouldn't be unusual, it would be very difficult to be confused about which social group we were with at that party. You wouldn't confuse Urban Outfitters with Hot Topic. It was proof that we really couldn't remember anything about that night.

I explained why I was asking, "See, I just got this message from the guy whose birthday it was. He says that people said we looked like two perfect statues in the moonlight."

"Friend him. I like him already," he commanded without hesitation.


LMAO... friend him... still laughing.

I can't imagine. I would be praying no one took pictures lol. So funny Petite! Thanks for sharing!
submissivegirl83;bt29886 said:
LMAO... friend him... still laughing.

I can't imagine. I would be praying no one took pictures lol. So funny Petite! Thanks for sharing!
I thought it was hilarious, too. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting him to say! He's a funny guy.
Well, proof positive of what happens when you lose track of time I guess. Better pray for no youtube videos is all I can say.
We all can see why you love TheBoyfriend so much you have him now for a husband! He's not only 110% Sexy, so kind, all round great man from all your posts but he is funny also. I wish more men had a sense of humor.

Maybe your guy should start to give "How to" classes to other men? I would pay to sign my husband up in a second!
BBW36;bt29896 said:
Love this story! You have to go to another party of his...this time stay sober and see who is watching! lol
I guess it must have been a fun party! From what I remember, there were already plenty of people in the pool, so I really don't think we stood out. Plus, I'm not really positive that it really happened. I am really small, so it's easy for me to overindulge, but the fact that TheBF doesn't remember me skinny dipping makes me suspect that it didn't really happen and he's mistaken.
Well, proof positive of what happens when you lose track of time I guess. Better pray for no youtube videos is all I can say.
It will take a Youtube video to convince me that it really happened! I suspect that he has me mixed up with someone else, because there were people swimming in their underwear in the pool when we arrived. I clearly remember one woman with truly magnificent breasts who was wearing only her underwear in the pool and feeling a little bit jealous of her. I don't really mind the mix-up. It's unlikely to negatively affect us and the rumor that we went skinny dipping at a fun party and looked gorgeous doing it isn't one that I mind. :tongue:

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