Never Before

Never before have I have been so pissed off because of anyng that I've been going through on this site, but today has been one of the worst days I've spent on LPSG!

For those of you who really know me well enough, I'm always in a happy spirit and I always treat people so nicely no matter what mood I'm in. There are several of you that I talk to when I'm in a bad mood but for this time, I'm going to blog this because this is absolutely unbelievable.

As many of you may NOT know, I've created a social group called "The LPSG Experience" and i was designed for a very special reason. I'm not going to tell you why I created it and all that because I've written a blog entry about it awhile ago. Just go read the blog for information.

Anyways, I have started a thread about my group "The LPSG Experience" and i wrote tha I was disappointed because I wasn't getting any reponces from anyone and no one has been participating either. The next thing I know, I get replies from a few people complaining because they don't like how I type when I caps the first letter of every word and so on a so forth. First of all, that's completely off topic and has nothing to do with why I was discussing in the thead...

That's not the main isue though. What really pissed me off was people calling me stupid and crazy because they wanna be rude and nasty because of something that's their fault. If they had read the fucking description for the damn group, they wouldn't be saying things like (and I quote this message from 'Calboner') "A group on LPsG for members of LPSG who want to talk about being members of LPSG: I can't imagine why most people are not interested :rolleyes:"

What is being a smartass to me going to solve? Absolutely nothing! I havenever treated anyone on here with any sort of disrespect whatsoever! Why are people such assholes!? Damn....I hardly ever curse but I can't help it....In the thread, I was talking to a member about what I just said.

'nudeyorker', Moderater of LPSG, was helpful and understood completely why I created the group and apologized to me for everybody's rude behavior.

Just check out the thread in the "Et Cetra Et Cetra" forum called "The LPSG Experience"

Here is the link:
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I'm sorry to hear that you have had a bad time. Unfortunately the LPSG community is like every other community. The majority of people are really nice and friendly and helpful but it only takes a very small number of sarcastic and bitchy a-holes to spoil your fun. I'm afraid I can't really give you any helpful advice but I can comfort you with a few hugs.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww, don't let it get ot you. And as for the typing every word start in caps...I hiestly didn't really notice. It's less bothersome then all caps, and that doesn't evenirk me if it's in comic sans (perhaps cuz I read comics, lol) And most people here are really cool. Even the ones gettingon you for the Cap the start of ech word (for the most part) are mostly ok. Bbucko is actually quite nice. I'd take it with a grain of salt. It's like when Maxcok nails me for typos. Just roll with it. As for the other less than pleasant comments. Meh, if they don't get the reason or spirit behind your group, then it's thier loss, no yours. As Nude yorker pointed out, they are most likely not the type of people you'd want in your group.

Anyways here are a few hugs from me (another last male in my family who happens to be gay and has no desire tobe a parent:redface:)

I want to say how sorry I am that you have had this experience as well. Like Willow says, this is just like any other community, and it has it's positives and negatives. Just one big slightly dysfunctional communal family! Just be true to who you are.

I will confess to having some trouble reading words that are each capitalized - it has to do with the inner voice that reads in my head. But even though it may sound bumpy in my head, your enthusiasm and passion rings true. Remember too, that sometimes people try to be funny or clever and it comes out sounding sharper than it was meant to be. Please don't let it dampen your spirit.


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