Up for a Blog Job

I've been checking into the LPSG for a few weeks and promised myself (and you too, though you didn't know it) that as soon as my profile page had attracted 250 visitors I'd become a blogger. Thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome on this site. Please add comments and confidences.

So what to blog about now? Topic #1 here seems to be penis size. Frankly, that's never been a big concern of mine. I'm above average in height and like to think I'm built in proportion. A girlfriend once asked me if it's true that if a man has big feet it's a clue to how big he was "somwhere else":wink:. I explained that my feet are always size 14, which seems to be sufficient to keep me from falling forward when my cock extends to its full 7.5 inches (there, now you know). Sure, another inch or two would add to the fun of measuring TV remote controls, but a couple of inches less shouldn't deny its owner all kinds of nice feelings.

So when we gather at LPSG Let's Play Sex Games. Lower Pantz Show Genitalz. Lick Poke Squeeze Grab. Lovely Photos Show Guys Ladies Peoples Something Grand.

Enjoy every body, everybody.
Keycock O===w


Thanks for being commentator #1, Swatty. As I mentioned, I wrote this partly just to see how the blog pages work (I'm not a total blog virgin but still get confused with technique rather than focusing on content). It's nice to get a lot of comments, hits, fanmail, etc. and I was looking at how many visitors I got compared with other LPSGers. Then it occurred to me that checking the ratings is a little like measuring your member to see who's got the biggest one. As someone once said, what do you win if you win? O===w

I understand the concern about link between size comparisons and the count/hit comparison. Earlier this year I started to look at the count on my photos a lot. Probably too much!

Certainly the lack of a "count" with the changes to this site has made me think about what the "count" represents. But that is not the focus of your blog entry or my response.

I see a significant (almost typed "huge") difference between the photo count as indicator of your attractiveness because of size and the count because you learned how to frame a photo, set of the subject by using contrast or lighting, etc. Specifically, my photos received more looks when the subject was better presented. Certainly my dick did not change from the early photos to the later ones; and many of the later ones that had higher counts were flaccid photos not boners.

So to the subject of blogs, with this posting of pure text you are displaying creativity and a large part of your personality. Clarity of expression, choice of subject matter, and other factors of good writing will be what builds your "fan base." This not photographing something that was mostly an accident of genetics; your writing is what you make and create.

Count me as a fan!

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