
Just a quick blog about something that was said to me yesterday. I considered keeping it to myself but would rather get it off my chest. I bumped into an old lady-friend and thought it would be nice to have a chat. We exchanged pleasantries and everything seemed normal, but then, out of no-where - she started to very calmly insult me. A number of things were said, all the usual "You're a bastard" type things. That's fine, it was more than a little odd but I'm not offended easily. I attempted to get an explanation from her and in the process put my hand on her shoulder - gently. That was, of course, a mistake. My hand was thrown away from her with great force and speed. I could see that terrifying, womanly anger in her eyes. I was growing more confused by the second and didn't know what to think. I almost laughed at this bizarre show of conflicting emotions. She kept throwing insults at me and hit me on the chest at one point. By this time, I'm wondering what I should do if she lashes out at me. Conflict is different with a woman, what would I do? Run away? No. Stand and fight? Of course not. Thankfully though, it didn't come to that. She soon began to move away but continued to mutter insults and point. The whole incident reminded me of Lady Macbeth, in her "..is this a dagger.." stage. I kept trying to tame this banshee, but to no avail. I was expecting to have an interesting story to tell and nothing more, but then - she threw one last 'insult' my way. She called me a womaniser.

I'm not completely sure why, but this hurt a little. I'm not sensitive but it made me feel sick. I don't even understand what I'm supposed to have done to her. Our relationship was always strictly platonic. Perhaps she needs psychiatric help? Am I really a womaniser? My dictionary says of a womaniser, 'A promiscuous heterosexual man'. To me though, it is more that that. I feel as though it means I'm a nasty person; one with no feelings or heart. Someone who lead others on, falsely. I don't know. It hasn't depressed me or anything, I'm just in a silly mood because of it. One I can't seem to shake. I felt like sharing it with you. ManofThunder, signing out.


Whoa! What a scene! First question: Have you slept with any woman that she's friends with? Is it possible that the outburst was in regards to someone she cares about?

Or, is it possible that she wanted more than something platonic, but something she has recently learned has made her mad, say if she thought you were leading her on for something more to happen between you and then she learned about a dalliance with another woman?
petite;bt30842 said:
Whoa! What a scene! First question: Have you slept with any woman that she's friends with? Is it possible that the outburst was in regards to someone she cares about?

Or, is it possible that she wanted more than something platonic, but something she has recently learned has made her mad, say if she thought you were leading her on for something more to happen between you and then she learned about a dalliance with another woman?

Thanks for your input! Yes, I have slept with a friend of hers - that is how we met. Her friend was a semi-serious girlfriend. It didn't last for long. It ended quite amicably, so I wouldn't imagine she would be 'vengeful' on her behalf. I suppose the second option is possible, but why be friendly and then turn mad, mid-conversation? If that is the case, I certainly didn't intentionally or even consciously do anything to hurt her. It is always possible that I slept with another acquaintance of hers - but I'm not aware of it.
Hahahaha...I am so sorry to laugh at your expense but that is hysterical. I think petite has suggested the only possibilities. Was she really pointing at you while screaming insults? Where were you? If in public, were people staring?
MsThang;bt30850 said:
Hahahaha...I am so sorry to laugh at your expense but that is hysterical. I think petite has suggested the only possibilities. Was she really pointing at you while screaming insults? Where were you? If in public, were people staring?

Don't worry, I can see the funny side myself. She wasn't actually screaming, that's the strange thing. She was 'screaming' silently. At a normal, conversation volume. Very strange. It was outside a supermarket. So, yes - it was public. A few people looked but they kept moving, thankfully.
Very strange indeed. I have a good friend who I consider a man whore and he entertains me with his escapades. Doesn't bother me in the least so I would think she had some feelings for you. Or maybe she was recently hurt by another man and is displacing that anger on you.
MsThang;bt30853 said:
Very strange indeed. I have a good friend who I consider a man whore and he entertains me with his escapades. Doesn't bother me in the least so I would think she had some feelings for you. Or maybe she was recently hurt by another man and is displacing that anger on you.

All possible! Thank you for your input. :smile: I may have to do some further investigation.
I guess I'm sort of in petite's corner.
I imagine she had much deeper feelings for you than she let on and your lack of reciprocation, innocent as it was, always secretly enraged her.
And finally she let it all out.
Seeing you as a womanizer explains (she thinks ... this is all in her head presumably) why you were blind to her exceptional but quietly offered qualities.
You cad!!!
j/k, MoT.
some very good possibilities have been pointed out, but it is obvious she is having some emotional stability issues. The passive/aggressive attitude could imply a number of tihngs..displaced anger is usually very often behind passive/aggressiveness. So, I'm thinking Ms. Thang might be onto something.

Did you or she ever mention the word "love" in your discussions....did she ever tell you 'I love you'..........? If so, the petite hit the nail on the head. Sometimes women (being emotional creatures) send signals that guys (being physical creatures) miss.

And, yes, I know I generalized here! Doubtful anyone would call me an 'emotional creature' .. LOL.

You mentioned the definition of womanizer then interpreted your own definition. Which meaning do you think she was implying? Could her definition be a little less harsh than what you are thinking? (mmeh....probably not)

Anyway, regardless of the reason, Man of Thunder, the deed is done, the words are out. Water under the bridge...let it go. :cool:

So, if you are a womanizer....what does that make me? (PLEASE, please, please.... do not say 'whore'!!) :biggrin1:
Thank you everyone! 'Love' never came up in our discussions, I'm very careful not to give people the wrong idea in that way. I can't imagine she meant 'womaniser' in any mild way. Don't worry everyone! I'm not hurt and it's all in the past. Thanks again for all your kind, comforting words. x
"I could see that terrifying, womanly anger in her eyes."

Oh dear goodness! Are you ok!? :O Haha. ;P

I thought you were a virgin, Thunder, don't know why, I just did, haha. ;P But just shrug it off, leave it behind and don't think too much about it. :)
HappyBoi;bt30872 said:
"I could see that terrifying, womanly anger in her eyes."

Oh dear goodness! Are you ok!? :O Haha. ;P

I thought you were a virgin, Thunder, don't know why, I just did, haha. ;P But just shrug it off, leave it behind and don't think too much about it. :)

I only just managed to survive. Her anger was overpowering, but I pulled through. :wink: A virgin? You haven't been paying enough attention to my posts/PM's Mr Happy! :tongue: Thank you - it's all behind me now. :smile:
yeah im going to throw my 2 cents in and assume she was upset about you not seeing her as a possible girlfriend

oh yeah and being crazy of course lol
Bjen2848;bt30879 said:
yeah im going to throw my 2 cents in and assume she was upset about you not seeing her as a possible girlfriend

oh yeah and being crazy of course lol

Thank you Bjen! I concur with your analysis. She is crazy. :tongue:
My dear friend, I'm just glad your ordeal is over with. Whether she was a little crazy for you or just plain crazy, I'm glad your sense of humor stayed intact!

I could never see you as being rude or a womanizer under any circumstance. Just think...at least you know what characteristics in a woman you want to avoid in the future!

Hugs and sorry it happened to you!:kiss:
prettyswinggirl;bt30889 said:
My dear friend, I'm just glad your ordeal is over with. Whether she was a little crazy for you or just plain crazy, I'm glad your sense of humor stayed intact!

I could never see you as being rude or a womanizer under any circumstance. Just think...at least you know what characteristics in a woman you want to avoid in the future!

Hugs and sorry it happened to you!:kiss:

Thank you sweetheart. You warm the cockles of my heart. :redface: *hugs* :kiss:
I been told im a womaniser!!and i just smiled i guess in a world where being bad is good we get confused however now that you mention and defined it !
i feel offended !!

i feel like i should put the woman to task!!
fuckah;bt30925 said:
I been told im a womaniser!!and i just smiled i guess in a world where being bad is good we get confused however now that you mention and defined it !
i feel offended !!

i feel like i should put the woman to task!!

Don't feel offended, it really isn't worth it. :smile:
You know who you are and what you are! Don't let anyones opinion get in your way! Obviously she wanted you for more than she let on...is my opinion or perhaps a bad day on her part and you became the target...either way agreed...to me a womanizer is nasty and mean to women without regard...Now with this said I would think it hard for anyone woman on her to think differently as we are pretty well very open or wouldnt be here.

So hopefully life is wonderfully well now! Enjoy....

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