My LPSG One Year Anniversary

One year ago tonight, I joined LPSG. much has happened in my life over the last year.

The best experiences on this site have been the friendships & relationships I've made. I've made many male friends and one good female friend. I value you all. You know who you are!

I've had the most amazing sexual experiences of my person and in cyberspace.

I've learned so much about sex, about life, about myself in my time spent on lpsg. My favorite thing about LPSG is that I can show this sexually charged nymphomaniac side of myself. It's fun! Can't really do this on facebook. ha ha.

These last few months I've had some personal family issues that I've been dealing with and therefore have not been on as much as I used to be. But my family is at the top of my priority list.

To all I've come in contact with on the site, thanks for all the fun comments, compliments and interaction. I do have to say, I've been thrilled that I've not had a bad experience on this site. I do enjoy posting on the threads and would like to be able to be more active again soon.

To those I've referred to this site, I hope that you've had fun here too!

The best sex in my life I owe to one amazing guy and fellow LPSG member. Definitely gave me my groove back. And the months we hung out were definitely the best months I have had in a long time...before and since. I will NEVER forget you or the fun we had. Plus I have all the pictures...good times & memories.

To my friend who told me about know I've told you before how you've changed my life forever because I now know how much I value size...and skill. Thanks for being a good and fun friend.

To my first real LPSG friend...thanks for inspiring me to be the Red Hot Milf that I am and for the fun challenges you gave me. I miss you! I hope all is well with you.

To my beautiful LPSG girlfriend...I wish we had more time to connect, hope we can again soon. I miss you! You rock!

And finally, to my true, best friend and confidant. I love you dearly...I value you. And I am so grateful for your friendship. I hope we always keep in touch. Please know what an impact you've made on my life. Thank you for EVERYTHING! xoxoxo

RED :slaphappy:


Sounds like a happy anniversary.
Glad we have connected.
Noticed you have been here infrequently but I understand the family thing.
Hope you have a great second year here.
You rock RED :biggrin1:
Im sure all those who got to know you feel the same way i do.
Lucky :10:

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