As a parent, I find myself often listening to the kids describing the fun field trip or some extracurricular activity and then kind of skating over their lessons. Often when this happens I find myself saying "But what did you learn?" After some inner analysis, I am asking myself that same question.
This week, two people come to mind when I ask what have I learned. BedHeadRed and Think_Kink. Now I have said before that these are two women I respect because they are NOT bitches which is how they get painted by the idiots on the board, but strong women with opinions and a voice to share them with. They speak true and often times it isn't in the politest way, but that is because they speak with a passion and that I truly admire about them both.
Think_Kink said to me that she had no idea what I learned from her. I of course responded quickly and with what I knew on the surface, but as I sit here, I am thinking "WOW! You really missed the mark on your answer to her." In addition to what I told her, I have some major addition and thought it something to share publicly as often I think people sell her short. I have learned a new definition of compassion from her. I find myself thinking back to posts where in those brief moments, she shares a nugget of her real life. That life that involves her friends, her heart, and sometimes the pain endured by her heart and friends. She has lost friends to tragedy and even life's stupidity and when she shares that, I am offered a glimpse into what gives her that Lioness' heart that we see come out in defense of another member or herself. I am in awe of that part of her being.
BedHeadRed has really been a source of friendship and knowledge the last couple of days. What started as me needing info on a health condition she is familar with has given me cause to think. A few times she has said "your words were too nice." She was right. I often find my words are so carefully thought out, emotion is gone from them and even to a point of being too considerate of others. Bluntly, I sound like an overvaliumed suburban house frau. She vocalizes that which I would vocalize were it in my nature to be that blunt. I find I am only that blunt in business or with my friends IRL, but out here, I am maybe a tad more censored and respectful of others. Thanks for being the bold one Red and thanks for all the words of advice this week.
A few other people I need to mention are:
SpoiledPrincess - Your little man is so handsome and I look forward to swapping more pics as our little angels continue to grow up.
ManlyBanisters - Thanks for the drive time chats and your always treasured friendship. BTW, I STILL do not know why SUVs are always flipping on the road in frnt of my office. It happened again yesterday.
Cigarbabe - I am LONG overdue for a chat with you without the chaos that is my kids taking me away from the phone. Thanks for your always warm words and friendship.
Snoozan - When we get to Washington, it's a date. Have the pictures ready. :wink:
Mercurialbliss - You and Strings are coming along with Snoozie and I to dinner. No will NOT be an answer to that request. :smile:
DC_Deep - Let us all take you out when I get to Dc so we don't overcrowd your house and we can spoil you.
Lex - You are still an inspiration and I am long overdue for some just bantering and soul seraching with you. Think you can tag along when we get to DC?
naughty - Never here anymore, but no less an influence. Are you EVER going to slow down?
NJQT - I've called, PM'd, and am in dire need of your infectious laugh. Pick up the phone every now and again and empty that voicemail box. :biggrin1:
So I am asking "But what did I learn?"
I learned that the mosaic of friends I have made on LPSG have kind of filtered over into my real life and I am so much richer and have grown for the experience. Thanks.
This week, two people come to mind when I ask what have I learned. BedHeadRed and Think_Kink. Now I have said before that these are two women I respect because they are NOT bitches which is how they get painted by the idiots on the board, but strong women with opinions and a voice to share them with. They speak true and often times it isn't in the politest way, but that is because they speak with a passion and that I truly admire about them both.
Think_Kink said to me that she had no idea what I learned from her. I of course responded quickly and with what I knew on the surface, but as I sit here, I am thinking "WOW! You really missed the mark on your answer to her." In addition to what I told her, I have some major addition and thought it something to share publicly as often I think people sell her short. I have learned a new definition of compassion from her. I find myself thinking back to posts where in those brief moments, she shares a nugget of her real life. That life that involves her friends, her heart, and sometimes the pain endured by her heart and friends. She has lost friends to tragedy and even life's stupidity and when she shares that, I am offered a glimpse into what gives her that Lioness' heart that we see come out in defense of another member or herself. I am in awe of that part of her being.
BedHeadRed has really been a source of friendship and knowledge the last couple of days. What started as me needing info on a health condition she is familar with has given me cause to think. A few times she has said "your words were too nice." She was right. I often find my words are so carefully thought out, emotion is gone from them and even to a point of being too considerate of others. Bluntly, I sound like an overvaliumed suburban house frau. She vocalizes that which I would vocalize were it in my nature to be that blunt. I find I am only that blunt in business or with my friends IRL, but out here, I am maybe a tad more censored and respectful of others. Thanks for being the bold one Red and thanks for all the words of advice this week.
A few other people I need to mention are:
SpoiledPrincess - Your little man is so handsome and I look forward to swapping more pics as our little angels continue to grow up.
ManlyBanisters - Thanks for the drive time chats and your always treasured friendship. BTW, I STILL do not know why SUVs are always flipping on the road in frnt of my office. It happened again yesterday.
Cigarbabe - I am LONG overdue for a chat with you without the chaos that is my kids taking me away from the phone. Thanks for your always warm words and friendship.
Snoozan - When we get to Washington, it's a date. Have the pictures ready. :wink:
Mercurialbliss - You and Strings are coming along with Snoozie and I to dinner. No will NOT be an answer to that request. :smile:
DC_Deep - Let us all take you out when I get to Dc so we don't overcrowd your house and we can spoil you.
Lex - You are still an inspiration and I am long overdue for some just bantering and soul seraching with you. Think you can tag along when we get to DC?
naughty - Never here anymore, but no less an influence. Are you EVER going to slow down?
NJQT - I've called, PM'd, and am in dire need of your infectious laugh. Pick up the phone every now and again and empty that voicemail box. :biggrin1:
So I am asking "But what did I learn?"
I learned that the mosaic of friends I have made on LPSG have kind of filtered over into my real life and I am so much richer and have grown for the experience. Thanks.