I was served divorce papers on valentines day

Yep...i brought home roses and dinner and got a surprise..yet lookin back past few years..in a big way i should not have been...many friends and family have expressed thier sorrow...and I do feel sad/sick, and failed in many ways...yet after 34 yrs and never living my own life my own way, i decided to not fight this event...Life is always changing, for now lookin a head....and living alone, mite be harder than i thought, i suspect i am tough enough to handle this event. My despair and fear has passed with help of a few good friends..I am back in the saddle again...Jeff


Hey Bud, saddened to learn of this &.. yet being on the very media we first Be-friended each other in years past.. 'tis very Ironic ! ( as I too signed off on a final Divorce decree on a Valentines Day)..:rolleyes:
Will stand strong with you, by way of my much belated Em to follow,, Staffy
Good luck Jeff, there is hope! After 27 years of never living my life my own way I too was divorced by my ex. After the initial upheaval and sadness I relished being myself for once, and eventually found a wonderful, loving and sexy woman to share my life. My divorce saved me from unhappiness, stress and potential illness. May you too find happiness and fulfillment!
I'm really sorry to hear this. I'm sure it's a very difficult time with sadness and confusion. Just remember the happy ending could be the next chapter of your life.

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