Real hairy tactics of Hair replacement solution centers

So, I've suffering with some minor balding as of late. Well, being on a budget, I consult one of the more well known places on possible solutions. So, I make an appointment to venture into the city to their office to see about what can be done.Well, I arrive there, and make myself comfy while awaiting on my consultation specialist, a man I'd presume, right?

Wrong, she calls my name, and I gaze upon this tanned, bleach blonde woman in this skintight outfit that just happens to reveal her shapely if not pendulous tits and somewhat almost disarming squeak in her voice.
So, we talk, and before i can ask about the transplant surgery, she gets into this how it would be too costly to do on my budget and how simple and economical it would to have a skin helmet mapped onto my bald section, and receive donor hair that looks like mine, and is glued to my head.

An almost acceptable solution you're gonna answer, right?
Oh, ho ho, you-are-wrong. Now, for $2-3,000, this entails a payment plan that they will attempt to approve you of at their local bank. Now comes the troublesome part; Because their adhesive is what "B"(That's what I'll call my consultant!) call not permanent, I would have to come back 4-6 weeks for what they call "re-adjustment". That's basically a high tech way of saying come back and getting your wig straightened.

Now I wanna bow and back out, and she's leaning over with her tits in my direction, and is trying to get me to do this solely predicated on my need to have hair with pressure. So, I grab the info pack, and tel her I'll review it, only to toss it out the door as I leave the building.

So, here I am mapping out which topical solution will work better than a glue hair helmet. I'm not really depressed about all this, hell, when I googled this place, it said this solution once caused a violent allergic reaction in one guy.


I take a half tab a day of Finasteride. It has worked very well for me. If, you have darker hair it will work. I hate being bald. Save yourself the $2-3000.
You know it's said that bald men have higher testosterone levels and tend to make better lovers over their lifetime. I say just buzz it short and go for the biker look! Women find that very sexy you know...:05:
Dont worry about it, seems expensive for something "temporal" , i would rather use that money on some clothes or a good haricut
Well, @Kissesdownbelow, thanks very much for showing how much of an impudent and indignant as the British referred to in slang as a fag, referring to an annoying person and how tactful you can respond to people especially me like you did before.

Maybe in balls no more Fairyland where you come from, but here in New Jersey, populous of one of the country's most famous celebs and historical sites, I can tell you right here and right now, if you ever walked into my state with that attitude and demeanor, I guarantee you you would be limping out carried out or would transported out via medivac helicopter or the corners van so you'd better mind your fucking manners next time you're here.

NOW, do YOU GET IT, Sizzle nuts??

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