Why do I do this?

It's after 3:00 a.m. and I can't sleep. I NEVER have trouble sleeping, but now I have a raging hardon that won't go down. A hardon that's now completely covered my abdomen with precum. My body is pumped, absolutely wicked. I'm more than ready for what should finally be reaching it's conclusion 24 hours from now. But why do I get myself so worked up over PUSSY? Maybe because I know this pussy will be something special. Both a strong emotional attachment and a pussy of experience. I've never been in pussy not in its early 20's. I was bar hopping in the Grove on Saturday night with 3 of my buddies. 2 of them have been with older pussy so they told me the advantages. If what they said is true, my cock will finally be in sheer heaven. Able to do what it does best with almost no limits. Yes I know it's a great family friend, and one of my Mom's best friends. A lady who actually bought me a motorcycle on my 16th Birthday (which my Dad said I couldn't keep). But when it finally comes right down to it, after all the talking and teasing, the kissing and foreplay. The time I spend between her legs (with my pants still on!). The moment I let her finally take off my pants-then with all my underwear still on get off the bed to turn off the light. I take my underwear off in the dark far away from her before I turn around. I'm hoping she'll be a little shocked, maybe even overwhelmed at finally seeing what I have to offer. I always let them play with it for a bit. Blowjobs are seldom possible -and I actually don't LIKE blowjobs to be honest. At that point- I want one thing only. With most girls what comes next can take for ever. They tend to get a little out of control sometimes -as I'll like to shove the cockhead repeatedly over their clit and outer lips before I position myself. I have to make sure they're really lubricated (and most times will have extra lubricant with me). I usually move on top of them to give them some deep kisses. Then I'll raise myself up and we'll negotiate just what they think they can handle. Often it will be 20 minutes or more before they can take enough (and at a pace) that I can enjoy it. Tomorrow night -I'm hoping I can really enjoy it. I'll spend forever in the beginning watching -at first slowly watching my cock fuck that pussy. Watching her wet hot pussy lips engulfing my 10 1/2 inches. But soon though I'll need to do it. Become the stud, the fuck machine that will give her what I hope will be a fucking like she's never before experienced. I know she'll be in shock at some of the intensity of it. I can't wait to hopefully experience the feeling of her cumming around my cock. And when I finally cumm-- I'll pull out -and let her watch me -in all my orgasmic convulsions and contortions. I'll probably spurt for about 30-40 seconds. Yeah -seriously. The joys of a big, overfull cock.


If Mrs. I. purchased a motorcycle for a birthday gift, after a hot night of sex you might just find a Lamborghini waiting. If you refuse her a second night you might get a house. A women can not resist a guy playing hard to get after having the pleasure of them once before.

Thanks for blogging as my husband gets full out attacked after I read it before bed. I have to force myself not to read it any time before bed because the tension for sex that builds up before I get the kids to bed almost kills me.

How the heck can you go so long without sex or even foreplay? How does one return a motorcycle? What did she then give in its place?
SweetLovesVick;bt33241 said:
If Mrs. I. purchased a motorcycle for a birthday gift, after a hot night of sex you might just find a Lamborghini waiting. If you refuse her a second night you might get a house. A women can not resist a guy playing hard to get after having the pleasure of them once before.

Thanks for blogging as my husband gets full out attacked after I read it before bed. I have to force myself not to read it any time before bed because the tension for sex that builds up before I get the kids to bed almost kills me.

How the heck can you go so long without sex or even foreplay? How does one return a motorcycle? What did she then give in its place?

hey thanks for the great message!!! I just finally arrived in at work about 10 minutes ago! You've just given me my second hardon of the morning -hearing that my blogs can have that kind of an effect on you-damn baby. As for the motorcycle - dad was furious - and sure I'd end up with my brains splattered all over some road somewhere if I kept it. I think Mrs I managed to sell it. All I know is she got me a really nice racing bike ( a Bianchi with all Campagnolo parts of course) that was probably about $3,200 at the time. It's one of the 3 bikes I still have (although I keep that one at school and use it for training there only). How can I go so long without sex or foreplay? ha -very few people have ever even asked me that. I've been going like this for awhile now. The first time that I went more than 2 weeks (actually it was close to 3) was my Freshmen year and I'd been in a bike accident and hurt my left arm (which is the arm I usually use for relief -haha). Actually the front fork of my bike cracked and I hit the pavement hard as fuck with most of my body weight on my left arm. It swelled up to the size of a football (my arm I mean) and got purple green and yellow from bruising- It was awful. Well anyway -when I got to cumm again-I was in pussy -and the orgasm was so fucking incredible (like 7 times stronger than any other I'd ever experienced before) -that I knew that's what I wanted to feel all the time. And it felt like I shot so much cum in the girl it was ridiculous. So that's what I do. And it's not like I don't give my cock any stimulation. I spend most mornings of my life naked doing doing 500 pushups (in sets). If I've woken up with a serious hardon -then I'll combine the pushups with these figure 8 pelvis grinds-working my cock into pillows on the floor. I just never allow myself to cumm. I've gotten pretty good at that. Damn - I wasn't expecting this to be so long. I've got my hardon under control now though. This work day really needs to go by fast.
Tonights the night bro! Can't wait to hear how it all goes. And if she cancels, just pick up some random chick and rock her world.

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