Hello my friends! 'Tis I, ManofThunder. I hope you're all well. :smile: I've been meaning to write this for a little while, so here I am. To those of you waiting for a 'tribute pic' from me, I'm sorry for the delay. :redface: Some of you have been waiting months! Long story short, I had finally completed the bulk of them but a virus (or something else) deleted all my pictures - basically, every nudey photo of me had gone. So, once again - I'm sorry to those who care, but the wait must continue, (some of you had not asked but I went ahead and made them anyway). :tongue: Also, as this is a photo-related blog; I thought I'd ask for general requests (to show good-spirit and all that). I'm famously slow to update my gallery but I'll see what I can do. :smile: Thank you for being so lovely. ManofThunder, signing out.