Dealing with Fucktards....

Well, since I was just awoken by a large bird hitting my window, I figured I share a small "incident" that happened a short while ago, how I dealt with it, and my personal feeling on the topic.

Now, I ran into this racist black couple, claiming to be from the nation of Islam.

They approached me nicely enough, but after hearing constant bitching about "crackers", white devils, and prison Arabic, I about had enough.

So, I started insulting their intelligence in Russian, just to see their reaction to a black guy speaking a "white" language.

These silly fuckers called me a "true brotha" for speaking the language of "our ancestors" and pressed me to join their cause even more.

At this moment, I just laughed and walked away.

I have not, and never will understand racism, or any other form of bigotry. To hate someone based on some shit that they have no choice in choosing (I.E race, sexual orientation), is easily in the top 5 most fucktarded things I've encountered.

I mean, if you're going to hate somebody, hate them because they wronged you in some way, or they're not a decent human being, NOT because they're born differently than you.

I'm back off to sleep, thanks for reading!



Rem I feel exactly the same as far as homophobia is concerned.
Hugzzzz matey;)
I really enjoyed your post. I have been preaching the same thing since I was able to understand what racism was. It is sad that people are that ignorant.

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