I Wish...

I wish I actually had someone interested in me. I guess I'm never good enough to be seen as boyfriend/relationship material as I am a nice guy as they seem to finish last...I just wish things would change. With everything else in my life that sucks, this area of my life seems to be lifeless with nothing to speak for...Just sucks, especially at my age.

That is all


I'm 22, almost 23. Just I've had it happen so many times i feel beat down now...lol same thing over and over
Sorry to hear that guy, but, for the record.... good guys do NOT always finish last. They might in the "player' scene but when it comes to finding a LTR partner, people (good people) look for partners with good character traits.

Twenty three is still plenty young... it may not seem that way to you when all you are hearing is what your friends are doing (most of them are probably stretching the truth a bit too...) But you are still young with lots of life ahead of you. Yes, things CAN change. Identify what you want to change and make it happen. It's your choice. You can choose happissness!
I second Ms.FP. Hang in there. I for one like nice guys, always have. You will find someone, though it may take a litle time. Best to you, and drop a PM if you wan to talk.
thank you both. I'm doing better now. it just sucks, especially in the summertime like now. i'll make it through. hopefully i'll post some happy blogs soon lol

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