skinny dip!

I'm visiting a friend and he's out of town for a few days. Couldn't resist going for a skinny dip in the pool.

It felt GREAT to go for a swim naked. Afterwards I sat in a chair next to the pool and air dried. I had trimmed and shaved earlier in the day, so was feel hot and a nice solid erection.

Would have been fun to have a sidekick to get hard with, then have a stroke.

Wow, it felt great to swim around totally naked! And also felt hot to sit in a lounge chair naked and air dry. Very hot.

Who would have liked to have joined me?


Used to do the same thing when I lived in the burbs and
had a pool....
Sounds like yeah! In a nano....
I'll join ya. I am fortunate to to live on a wooded lot with three levels of decking, hot tub, pool, fire pits. I have many guys over regularly for nude hang outs.

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