[Quiz]: Inclination for BDSM?

Do you have an inclination for BDSM? Take the quiz and find out!

You Scored as Masochist
Pain just feels good. Nothing like someone hurting you or hurting yourself in some cases. Often sadism goes hand-in-hand with this practice because the two personalities work well together. And some people like both.

Masochist 97%
Submissive 86%
Experimental 62%
Bondage 47%
Exhibitionist / Voyeur 39%
Switch 23%
Sadist 19%
Degradation Lover 9%
Dominant 7%
Vanilla 0%

.... Take it and let me know how you rate! I'm curious


Your Score as as Sadist

I disagree Jaded Sweety....I prefer giving Pain plus the Humiliation I can Inflict upon someone is a rush to me..... Esp . Mind Fucks ....nothing like watching someone tear up feeling they are beneath me .

Sadist 96%
Dominant 93% Hmmmmm ?
Switch 89%
Experimental 82%
Exhibitionist/Voyeur 79%
Degradation Lover 68%
Bondage 61 %
Masochist 57 %
Submissive 32%
Vanilla 11 % WTF !?!?!?!
hahaha that's funny that you score 11% vanilla and I scored 0% *lol*

I was never a big fan of degradation or humiliation - I guess I am thin-skinned..
So it says I am a Switch, wanna interpret my data for me? I'm expecting someone to say... I'm the PERFECT LOVER... (LMAO)

Switch 82%
Experimental 75%
Exhibitionist / Voyeur 71%
Bondage 29%
Vanilla 25%
Dominant 21%
Submissive 21%
Sadist 18%
Degradation Lover 0%
Masochist 0%
... well FancyPants.. you pretty much are the way things look! Experimental eh? That's what makes it all fun.. got to be willing to try new things to know what you're going to like, right? All in good fun :)
I don't trust this poll. It calculated FancyPants to be 29% less of an exhibitionist than she truly is.
Did anyone slse have to do a tie breaker? lol

You Scored as Switch
(((Note: This quiz is not totally comprehensive because of the length such a quiz would be. I kept it sex-based because I felt that psychological profiles and motivations were too complicated and vary too greatly among people that practice BDSM.))) You know what you want but it has nothing to do with your own role in the bedroom. You have the ability to be flexible in that area which can be useful for exploring you sexuality with your partner.

Exhibitionist / Voyeur100%
Degradation Lover39%

pretty spot on for me! lol!

Except i tend to be more masochistic than sadistic. Or maybe more even then that let on. Some of the questions though triggered my "never as a rule" but not the "Well with my Guy it would be great"

Or maybe i just have bottled up sadistic tendencies, lol!

Naw I think the first is a better thoery. I might retake it.
here are my scores based on how I am with my Guy only:

You Scored as Switch
(((Note: This quiz is not totally comprehensive because of the length such a quiz would be. I kept it sex-based because I felt that psychological profiles and motivations were too complicated and vary too greatly among people that practice BDSM.))) You know what you want but it has nothing to do with your own role in the bedroom. You have the ability to be flexible in that area which can be useful for exploring you sexuality with your partner.

Exhibitionist / Voyeur100%
Degradation Lover36%

Which is a shitload closer than to what I think of myself, LOL!
I had to block out the screaming "No! Don't trust them!" that comes form my rape, and focus on the way I am with my Guy (where he has my total trust)


I loves me my Guy!
You Scored as Exhibitionist / Voyeur
(((Note: This has been placed into one category because the world of BDSM is simply too large to include all kink (unless you want an incredibly long quiz). I have included these two together with the sentiment that couples or people interested in one or the other want to include other people in their sexual activities. I understand that it is unfair but I plan on making more quizzes on subjects of this nature in the future. Also, I know that this quiz is very sexually based but that was the point of it, I was going for the psychologically aspects of sexuality for the list is a mile long and different for everyone.))) Watching or being watched is an arousing notion to you. There are many reasons why people enjoy this fetish. Being uncomfortable. Feeling guilty. Appreciation. For some it could simply be sex in public because there is a fear of getting caught. Either way, it turns you on. The best venue for this would be group sex. If you enjoy watching you would be considered a voyeur. If you would rat

Exhibitionist / Voyeur64%Switch61%Vanilla54%Experimental46%Dominant32%Submissive25%Masochist14%Sadist7%Degradation Lover0%Bondage0%
Nico, why am I not surprised that you got 100% switch? :-D

Here are my results. I think the only points I got for switch or sadist were where I didn't quite get the wording of the question. Thanks for sharing the quiz JS!

You Scored as Submissive

Submissive 100%
Degradation Lover
Masochist 86%
Experimental 79%
Exhibitionist / Voyeur 71%
Bondage 61%
Sadist 18%
Switch 14%
Dominant 0%
Oh that's you to a tee subgirrl!Or as close as it can come. I think mine were off a tad just form the questions being funky in my mind. Like the "you like it when being made to do degrading things, cuz I then think, well, i am not being made at all, lol! And the other art says, and how is that degrading:lmao:

Welcome to my nico mind. It's a strange trippy place but it can be fun, lol
I'm still a virgin, so I could only base my answers on what I have thought and fantasized about, rather than actually experienced. Maybe if I had had opportunities to experience and explore sex and my sexuality the results could have been quite different. One thing I was certain of BEFORE I took the quiz is that I'm a voyeur with a filthy mind!

You Scored as Experimental

Experimentation is a great place to be. Open-mindedness when it comes to sexuality can open doors and allow you to discover things that you didn't think you would find engaging. Having such a curious attitude can help you learn more about your own sexual nature as well as the nature of others.

Switch 100%
Experimental 100%
Dominant 71%
Bondage 71%
Exhibitionist / Voyeur 64%
Submissive 64%
Degradation Lover
Sadist 43%
Vanilla 36%
Masochist 14%
Bah! I scored Exhibitionist/Voyeur. I was expecting more, but that's all I got. For what it's worth, before it gave me my results, it had a tie-breaker question of 3 choices. The Exhibitionist/Voyeur, the Switch, and the Sadist.
Lololol!!! I knew I wasn't vanilla but 0% and sadist 29%? I look like a perv now i'm sure!

Exhibitionist / Voyeur86%
Degradation Lover14%
I Scored as Submissive
It feels good to serve. A lack of control in the bedroom can be fun and relaxing. Being with a dominant person wouldn't be a bad idea.
Submissive 79%
Experimental 71%
Switch 71%
Exhibitionist / Voyeur 71%
Dominant 64%
Vanilla 54%
Sadist 50%
Bondage 43%
Masochist 25%
Degradation Lover 21%

I am still learning about myself.

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