
  • Author deleted405852
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Something new has been introduced into my everyday.
She’s dangerous, unexpected and smooth in her execution.
She might be my undoing, oh but what a way to go.
When she’s into me, she digs deep and doesn’t let go.
I could be dancing with wolves and even that would pale in comparison to the risks I’m taking as I take her into my arms as we sway to the music.
Back and forth between feeling safe and secure and on edge.
I want to believe in her because I want her to stay with me.

I only know her in the dark.
Slowly she reveals herself to the flickering light within me.
I want to say something that only she’ll get, it’s not for the rest.
She draws things out of me with ease and I don’t know why.
By herself she’s a force to be reckoned with, but with a dash of passion, she’s unstoppable.
I can taste her smell, it’s like heaven if heaven were captured in a bottle and set ablaze.

I could stop her, of that much I am sure, but watching her work is nothing short or watching art in motion.
The lines and curves of her body draw a map of the world she came from.
Her reflection I’ve embraced with a warning, nothing comes easily.

Conviction is her makeup & belief is what she leaves me with when she kisses me.
The innocence she shows me is a far cry from the actions she’s been known to inspire.
She carries herself with strength and purpose and that’s why I like her.
She knows exactly what she is capable of and I feel her every intention while she draws close to me.
And yet she still surprises and overtakes me with the intensity of her words.
Hell even her name sounds strong.
Hope has never been more dangerous.


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