Yet again.

So, my mother made another suicide attempt today. This time, no pussy-footing. I got the police involved. There will be no more sweeping this under the rug because she wants it that way. She may or may not be taken away - we'll see after the 72 hour holding period.


Sorry to hear that SK
always difficult no doubt
Please look after yrself matey
cant express myself re such things thru emails, so best not to
Kiha Kaha (be STRONG, in Maori)
I'm so sorry to hear this. I went through this with my sister for many years so I understand how difficult this is. I am sending positive vibes your way. :hug:
Status update:
She's not breathing or moving on her own yet. Trying to keep my head up but that news is very unsettling.
while you're waiting for news, is there anyone you can be with for support? this is really stressful.
spoon;bt36570 said:
while you're waiting for news, is there anyone you can be with for support? this is really stressful.
Well I've been going through this for years - this is just the furthest she's gotten in her attempts. I often post about my lack of real friends so the answer to that is almost a no. I go to my grandmother but that's not the best since we're dealing with the same issue (well similar... as she's her mother while I'm her son, so the perspectives differ but we're still both on the inside of the issue.).

I just got back from the hospital again. They aren't worried about her possibly having brain damage at this point but she's still not breathing on her own or moving. I'm pretty sure I saw her brow move but that only happened once.

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