Her friend decided to watch…

Went home with this girl I met at a bar for the second time. We had great sex but this time her friend was up. After we were done I could hear them talking outside her room. She pooped in and told me to come outside. I started to get dressed, and she said, “no, stay like that.” I asked why, and she told me nobody was home so it didn’t matter. I was kind of okay with it and pretended like I didn’t hear them talking. I walked out and her friend was standing their purposely looking directly at the door waiting for me. I said sorry and started to backup and close the door. The girl I met at the bar grabbed me and said her friend wanted to see. I just stood their. She turned me around and said “huge dick, good body, cute ass. He’s a keeper.” Then they both just laughed and she pulled me back into her room to have sex again. Weird experience but really hot. I’m wondering if anything more will come from it:)


I heard a similar story from a really well endowed guy like you. He hooked up with a woman he met at her place, after she had orgasmed on his dick multiple times and he had cum himself , she went to get her roommate that she lived with and suggest that she should try a big one, the roommate kinda shocked with his size and when she saw it agreed, he had round 2 with the roommate and came inside her as well. He did this several times over the following weeks and became a FWB . I suppose it could have worked out similarly for you, if the roommate was keen.

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