Please pray for my daddy!

Please pray for my daddy!

Part I
Mom took him to the ER this morning and they are keeping him overnight for observation. Judging by his symptoms I think he may have the same thing I was just diagnosed with (diverticulosis). They are doing a colonoscopy at 8:00 AM so mom and I will be there for that.

Part II
Even though I am a night owl, there is nothing quite so frightening as receiving a call from the hospital at 11:50 PM.

Yup, one of dads nurses called to let us know he had fallen on the way to the bathroom. Apparently he fell and has a scratch on the back of his head and part of his back. She had to tell me this 3 times before it registered; because the only thing my brain was saying was, "the hospital calls you when people die." Once the oxygen started flowing to my brain again I was okay and asked the normal questions such as is he awake, can I talk to him. She explained that they had taken him down for a CAT Scan just to make sure he didn't have a concussion. I asked if they were still doing the colonoscopy in the morning and she said "yes that is still on schedule."

She also told me that daddy was supposed to ring for a nurse when he had to go to the bathroom; but didn't. I guess that is part of why he fell. They have now given him a bed alarm so they will know if he trys to get up without assistance. I know he hates that like the dickens!

The worst symptom of daddy's Parkinsons is the shuffling gate, and drowsiness. He doesn't have the tremor or jerkiness like you see with Muhammad Ali or Michael J. Fox. He is also diabetic and has high blood pressure.

Add to all this the fact he is 79 (he'll be 80 in June) and I'm a bit of a nervous wreck; because I don't know how any one ailment may affect or not affect another ailment.


Sorry, I just needed to get that primal scream out of my system. I don't like surprises and I tend not to handle stress well.

I'm going to try and get some sleep, since we have to be at the hospital pretty early. I'll keep y'all posted.


Parkinsons runs in my family too. My cousins all started having tremors in their early twenties. So far it has skipped my brothers and sister but
who can tell when it will come? We just know it will.
I'll say a prayer for your daddy.
Awww NJ!

I'm praying for you and your family. :) I hope everything starts to look up!

Love you always,

Dear NJ,

I'll certainly pray for your Dad, your Mom - and also for you, that your own conditions will clear up.

BTW how did your colonoscopy go? (Was it on Monday last?)
How's your depression, and getting back into society?

Strength and courage to all of you.
Lots of love,
Dear NJ,

I'll certainly pray for your Dad, your Mom - and also for you, that your own conditions will clear up. Thank you :smile:

BTW how did your colonoscopy go? (Was it on Monday last?) How's your depression, and getting back into society? The depression is better to okay. I'm still not quite where I would like to be with that. It's sort of like taking 3 steps forward and one back.

Strength and courage to all of you.
Lots of love,

Thanks Tiggerpoo and everyone who is sending us positive thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it more than you know.
Hang in there! I've almost had a few heart attacks getting those late night calls.

O Lord, holy Father, creator of the universe, author of its laws, you can bring the dead back to life, and heal those who are sick. We pray for our sick brother that he may feel your hand upon him, renewing his body and refreshing his soul. Show to him the affection in which you hold all your creatures.
Lovely prayer.

Honey, of course I will pray for your Daddy.
I lost mine a few years ago and I miss him terribly. I pray he's well soon and you enjoy much more time with him.
Sorry to hear that . I hope your father get well soon ! ! My sister will be operated tomorrow of an hernia so I know how you feel the subject.
I'm with you, NJ. Just keep on going, that's about all you can do now. It's good that you're there for him and your mom. I'm sure it's making a huge difference for them to have you around. My love and prayers to you and your family.
I'm praying for him, but for you too. Nothing is worse than the waiting for something to happen, whether better or worse.

Keep the faith babe. Life will be OK.
I hope everything turns out well, NJ.
Just take one step at a time ... that's all you can ever do.
I'll be thinking of you, your father, and your mother.
You've been through a bad stretch lately, njqt. You and your family are even more in my prayers.

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