Summer Fun

When I was growing up, my next door neighbor was a boy about 9 months younger than me, which seemed like a big age difference at the time. His mom was very active with the kids in the neighborhood in a good way, and his dad was a tech at a local defense contractor by day and fixed TVs in his basement at night. The neighbor boy, lets call him George Jr, and I would play together doing the usual things, riding bikes, playing baseball, going to the local community pool, etc. While I was still a bating novice, George Jr started to look pretty good as he started to fill out (he was naturally muscular like his dad) and my hormones were starting to really pick up the pace. We would “tease” each other (not willing to be open about our desires at this point) by wearing loose fitting shorts and spreading our legs so we knew our balls or dick were showing (I started off the practice and he soon followed) until one day after coming home from the beach, we got into his above ground pool (with his mother sitting in the backyard no less) and I pretended to have sand in my bathing suit and proceeded to pull it down around my ankles to remove it, fully boned. George Jr was swimming around and decide to make a series of dives in the water and staring at my boner at the same time, each dive resulting in his square cut nylon suit partially coming off exposing first the top part of his ass, then the bottom part, and finally down around his knees exposing his full boy boner (he would pull on his suit at the start of every dive as if I didn't notice). Not surprising he did this since it was I that pretended to have sand in my suit and he in turn pretended his suit was coming off accidentally during each dive. I look back on that now and not only was it funny but really hot too as by this time he had developed a hot ass and muscular body for a kid his age. That was the first time I saw his cock full hard. With his suit down around his ankles, he made his way over to and sat down on a lower rung of the ladder that lead into pool so his dick was just barely showing out of the water (so he could make a hasty retreat if his mom showed up). With his suit down around his ankles and hard dick with head poking out of water, I felt under his sack to find any sand LOL (now I wish I had fingered his ass). That was the first time I felt a hard cock except for my own. Bit of surprise, as his shaft was more flat than fully round and his head was smaller than his shaft (and it was as rock hard as mine) as opposed to mine with round shaft and head that flared out. I felt him for a few minutes until his dad came home from work pulling up in the driveway next to pool We both quickly pulled back our suits and proceeded as nothing happened.

The night of the day we first exposed ourselves to each other, I was over his place watching TV, his mom was watching with us and his dad was in his working fixing a tv (this was one of the few homes with color TV at the time). After the program we were watching was over we decided to jump into the pool as it was still hot and humid, which for NY in the summer not unusual. I didn’t have my suit with me so to my surprise his mom suggested I use one of George Jrs and just change in his room at the top of the stairs (first time in his room). Being a bit nervous, I followed him up the stairs, he bounded up the stairs with me following, when I got to the top of the stairs I could see directly into his room and there he was full hard boned putting on his suit (again the wonderfully form fitting nylon square cut). I walked into his room and he handed me a boxer type suit and being fully boned figured why not just linger and let him take a good close look. So I got naked and took the suit and sat down on the edge of his bed with my boner full hard and bouncing with every heartbeat, pretending to be interested in some model that was sitting on his desk, just being a show off as my dick was bigger and thicker than his with almost full pubes. We went down into the pool and proceeded to take off our suits and just swim around naked and boned, it was the best.

We splashed around for about a half hour or so and got out as it was getting chilly. I had taken my dry clothes with me and proceeded to head into the garage to change and he went back in the house. By this time it was close to 11pm and his folks were in bed and everything was quiet. We sat on the patio talking about dick, no surprise. I told him my story about seeing my brother jerking (he told me later he was totally hot for him) and I could see his boner sticking out of his shorts. Finally, I said lets go into the garage and jerk off. I went directly into the garage while he had to take a pitstop and piss behind the garage (which was hot to do when we would both do it together). When I went into the garage, I closed the garage door just in case, and by time he was finished taking a piss, I was naked and boned (only visible by moonlight as lights were off). He got naked in a flash and we were both standing there feeling each other cock and balls. He didn’t have much pubic hair at the time but his ass was rock hard and really tight when I reach around and felt it. We were facing each other stroking our cocks and just barely seeing each other move, we were standing facing each other about 2 feet apart. Then almost without warning I shot probably the biggest and most forceful load of my life and sprayed all over him most of my cum landing on his mid section including his dick and ballsack. He shot right after that in more of a spray action, not a rope but more of a spray. That was my first, but not last, bate session with him

All this happened in late June, so the summer was still young and we pretty much jerked every chance we had. We would stand facing the pool and reach over feeling each others cock and balls thinking no one could see us. We would go into my room and just feel and explore each other, checking out how our dicks reacted to touching, stroking and even licking. This was going on for a couple of months and sometime in early August his mom and sister had to go to his moms sisters house to take care of things while she was recuperating from a fall so he and his dad were on their own for two weeks. His dad was more of a bbq’er so of course it was either take out or grill time which I would be invited to stay for dinner as long as it was ok with my mom. One typically hot and humid night after dinner and after the sun had gone down, we asked his dad if we could jump into the pool to cool off. He said ok as he had some work to do repairing a tv in his work room (this was when TVs could be repaired and not just chucked out). Of course we waited until we knew his dad was busy at work (we could see the light on is the basement) and we proceeded to get naked and put our suits on the side of the pool (this being an above ground pool, anyone in pool was not visible unless you were looking over the sides of the pool). After about 20 minutes of this, his dad came out of the house wearing his boxer type bathing suit (he left the light on so we were definitely surprised, or at least I was). It was too late put our suits back on as they were hanging on the other side of pool. His dad (George Sr) climbed the ladder and when he got to the top he could see the suits (too dark from there to see us clearly or at least that we were naked under water) hanging and not on us. He stopped for a moment and then proceeded to get into the pool without missing a beat, he said it was ok to skinny dip but not when his wife or daughter were around. At that moment, he bent over and stepped out of his trunks. I was fucking amazed, this was the first time I had seen him in trunks let alone seeing him get naked. He was lean with hairy chest with trail that led down to his thick and I mean really thick black bush the top part of which was just above the water line. His dick was rock hard and looked like a copy of George Jrs dick just much bigger and hairier. He acted like it was not a big deal and we horsed around in the pool, rubbing up against his hard cock every chance I could get. Seems that he was a closet nudist meaning he would only get naked at home when his wife and daughter not around. George Jr told me later that he and his dad would get naked since he would remember and he was told not to tell anyone especially his mom. Also found out he told his dad everything we were doing which explained why I got invited over to dinner as much as I did when mom was out of town. All I can say is I learned alot more than how TVs worked that summer.

As I mentioned, my friend George Jr had been telling his dad, George Sr, all about our playtime of stroking, feeling and even licking each others balls and dick. I remember how my friends dick got so hard he had what we soon found out later was gobs of precum. We knew at the time it was not cum but it was not pee either, his dad told us later on what it was (more of that later). So when his mom and sister were out of town and we were playing naked in the pool, his dad decided it was time to join in the fun (see above). I still remember like it was yesterday how I almost shot a load just seeing his dad naked in the pool with us even with no lights and only seeing him by moonlight. So and son had almost the same cock and balls, just differed in size and amount of hair.

We played around in the pool for what seemed like forever, bumping and rubbing into each other and just having a good time that only guys can have. After about an hour, his dad said it was getting cold and we need to get out of the pool. I had my dry clothes outside with me but his dad said we should all go into house to change since it was too chilly. So we got out of the pool naked (no lights and it was getting pretty late) and dried off some and went into their house. It was so hot seeing all of us naked and boned just walking around. I just stared at his dads cock bounce when he walked around. After a few minutes of this his dad wanted to know how often we masturbated and did we have a particular way we liked to do it. Apparently George Jr had been telling his dad about our playtime, I soon found out that dad and son had been playing on the sly for years. We went into my friends bedroom and we sat on either side of his dad...he started to show us his cock and explained how to stroke it to get the best feelings, how to edge it (that took some time to master) and what that gooey stuff was that came out of our slits (his dad was a huge pre cummer). It was so hot yet really felt like he was bonding with us in a way that only males can do, showing the younger males how to be men. It didn't take much time for my friend to shoot (again more of a spray) and his dad actually licked some of it off his fingers.. I shot a load right then and there and he asked if he could taste mine and I said sure. He said he could taste that mine was more mature (no idea what that meant at the time). Then he told us he was going to shoot and to make sure that we watched his balls and shaft so we could tell what was going on. Pretty soon he leaned back closed his eyes and moaned and grunted and shot a stream of cum that seemed to go forever. He told us to taste it so we would know what a mans cum tasted like. That was the end of night one. By then it was about 10 days until mom and sis got back home.


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