For those who wonder about me and my Dom/sub role-playing

Hi everyone!

I’ve removed my previous blogs about my quest to find a new lover and my sub presence here on LPSG. I have to place a new blog as I am getting to many emails to that attention.

Concise Story:
After being in a long-term plutonic relationship (not my ideal!) and then years of being celibate I decided to put myself out there and find myself a new lover (s) to remedy my monogamous boring relationship I had in the past, enough already! That said, I have nothing against monogamy if one has its perfect match, but as many of you here in the same situation, you understand why I wanted out and that is how I ended up on this site.

Within my eight years less than satisfied sexually long-term relationship I had one lover for five years which my bf knew about as we had an arrangement as I told him I couldn’t live this way anymore, I felt like I was dying inside, literally. He didn’t agree to my terms so I moved out only to be asked to come back accepting my extra lover to the mix.

So, I had a very fulfilling sexual, sensual and intimate relationship for five years with my fabulous lover but when our affair ended I was back to where I was. I wasn’t going to settle for anything less than what I wanted, within this past affair I learn what I really like and that is why I am very selective. I’ve learned so much about sex and myself during these past years and still learning so much but that break up kept me without sex for a year and a half as I had a difficult time finding what I am looking for.

I decide to become pro active and put myself out there and bare it all so for sure I will find a potential lover/bf/relationship… with my compatible match. That is how I found this site and started pushing my limits as you can see in my albums.

Dom/sub role-playing:
First, I am an alpha female with a dominant lifestyle, some may get that but many don’t. I am only a sub sexually, I know my role with my dominant lover and I feel that it’s the most natural way of heterosexual sex. After all penetration is a dominant act in itself and my natural animalistic instinct calls for a Dominant man sexually.

I am NOT a lifestyle “slave” but a genuine collared (owned) submissive, there's a difference, and my Master of Erotica don't keep me naked with a ball and chain, nor I have to ask permission to go to the bathroom! I am not completely a sub in the true BDSM sense but more in the sexual take over by my most powerful sexually Dominant well-endowed man ready to inflict painful (yet pleasurable) pounding. That can imply having to bond and restrain me if needed but only on the spur-of-the-moment mostly with non-bdsm restraints.

Master and I have a wonderfully ethereal passionate relationship that is based on friendship beside the wonderful sex and "role-playing" we are just like anyone else spending time doing “normal” every day things together when meeting. Non-the-less his possession over me comes with constant worship, adoration of him and deep affection.

That said, I don’t call him Master 24/7! That’s exclusive for the times we get in character and role-play in our other dimensional kinky fantasy world where he is the Master almighty and I am his dirty sub slut. I don’t need to ask his permission to reply to my PM nor I need permission for anything at all actually. We have a respectful adult relationship that is base on free will and respect. My devotion and dedication was my ideal as well and all that I have done here on LPSG with Master’s commands was with my full consent at all time.

Thanks for taking the time in reading this blog and hope it cleared up some misconceptions!
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Thanks! Well, that is it, I know exactly what I want and I have it already ;)
DickDarlington;bt43084 said:
That's cool, nice to know a little more about you :)
Good luck with finding what you want for yourself and finding happiness!
Neat read. Always great to see someone embrace and immerse themselves in what they enjoy despite it being a bit unconventional.

You're easy on the eyes for sure, but it's the enjoyment displayed in your gallery that really shines.
Very well said, sweetie. I hope you cleared it all up for them!! Hugs and you know you deserve the best!

billi jean

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